Natural products and Bach flowers for menopausal disorders

In the first part we tried to understand what menopause is and what is the basic element to deal with the disorders that can arise. Now instead we see together which are the products on the market that can help us serenely overcome this natural physiological change.

What are the natural preparations that can help us?

The natural preparations that can help us in menopausal disorders can be the "Borage" or "wheat germ" that help in vaginal and skin dryness.

Soy-based preparations which, as we have already said in food soy, contain estrogen, for those who cannot feed themselves daily with soy, legumes, etc., which help in flushing, insomnia and mood alteration.

Garlic, Hawthorn in case of high blood pressure, vitamins of group B, C, D to help a general rebalancing, Probiotics or lactic ferments to maintain an intestinal balance, Magnesium that facilitates the fixation of calcium, Centella asiatica, Cranberry, Horse Chestnut, which help in venous insufficiency and microcirculation, attention to the Horse Chestnut for those suffering from hypertension. In the case of depression the Ipperico can be very useful , but be careful, if you use drugs because it can interact with them. Then hear a medical opinion for any choice.

We also have Melissa, Passiflora and Tiglio in cases where anxiety is high and does not allow us to rest adequately, we can use them as herbal tea or Glycerinated or TM preparations, I prefer Passiflora alone which really gives excellent results, but the 3 components together are also commercially available.

Can Bach Flowers Help Us?

Certainly also in this case Bach flowers can be very useful, I recommend some, but before choosing which may be the most suitable and always good to get advice from a flower therapist.

What I usually recommend in the first place is the Walnut for both physical and psychological change and hot flashes, Crab Apple for the acceptance of themselves, of a body that undergoes a change, Larch to increase self-esteem that in this period has a decline, Impatiens or Vervain or Agrimony for anxiety, Gentian for depression, sometimes Beech for irritability and Sclerantus if there are mood swings.

Can aromatherapy help us?

Yes, also with its olfactory notes can be useful, in cases of anxiety and hot flushes we can use OE of Melissa or Lavender or Geranium and Mint, 5 drops in a normal diffuser, or in the bath water.

Essential Oils can also be used as internal therapy but should be recommended by an Aromatherapy expert.

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