Brown alga: properties, use and contraindications

Brown alga is a useful alga to stimulate the metabolism, burn fat and fight obesity. Let's find out better.


Description of the alga

The brown algae or Fucus Vesiculosus, is an alga belonging to the Fucaceae family, known under different names ( Ascophyllum Nodoso, Quercus Marina, Black Tang or Kelp ), which lives in the mid-temperate or arctic areas (North Sea coasts, the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic and the Pacific).

It resembles an oak due to the shape of its leaves, which is why it is also called the tongue of fire or snake tongue, due to the jagged edges of the same.

Properties and use of brown algae

Its properties are already known in ancient Greece, when it was used as an antidote for the bite of poisonous snakes or for the treatment of glandular thyroid problems.

In the nineteenth century the doctor Duchesne-Duparc, using it in the treatment of psoriasis, noticed that the algae acted on the metabolism of fats, so he started using it successfully to cure obesity .

Thanks to the richness of iodine it contains, the alga is able to stimulate the activity of the thyroid and therefore to regulate the metabolism . The brown algae contains iodine, mucopolysaccharides, polyphenols, mineral salts and trace elements.

Today this plant is used to control body weight and the thalli from which the dry extract is obtained are used.

Benefits of the brunette

The benefits of brown algae are related to weight. This vegetable monitors the body weight, realizing an acceleration of the basal metabolism that prevents to fatten.

Brown alga is also an antidiabetic, antiulcer, gastro-protective, anticoagulant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral product. According to a recent study, anti-aging efficacy, if applied locally, would also have been demonstrated.

Contraindications of brown seaweed

Given the iodine content, the brown alga is contraindicated in case of hyperthyroidism and should be taken with caution even in cases of presumed altered thyroid function.

It is advisable to carry out periodic cycles of suspension of the product for about two months, it should not be used without interruption. In the presence of hypertension it is advisable to consult a doctor before use and it is generally contraindicated during pregnancy .

Overdose can cause tremors, tachycardia, high blood pressure, diarrhea.

Algae, a valuable aid for weight loss

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