Anise essential oil: properties, use and contraindications

The essential oil of green anise is obtained from Pimpinella Anisum, a plant of the Apiaceae family . Known for its numerous properties, it promotes digestion, fights meteorism, calms the cough and softens the bronchial charges. Let's find out better.

Properties of green anise essential oil

Antifermentative, carminative, it counteracts meteorism, facilitating digestion and fighting gas formation.

Colagogo, promotes bile secretion and proper sintering of nutrients.

Spasmolytic, mucolytic, calms the cough and thins the bronchial discharges.

Galactogogue, promotes the secretion of milk.

Description of the plant

The green anise is an annual herbaceous plant, characterized by an erect and woody stem, alternate lower leaves and opposite upper leaves. The flowers are white arranged in corolla. At the end of summer they produce small gray-green fruits. It is native to the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia. In Italy it is cultivated above all in the central-southern regions.

Part used


Extraction method

Steam current distillation


Middle note: sweet fragrance, similar to that of licorice

You can learn more about the properties and use of the anise or pimpinella plant

Use and practical advice on the essential oil of green anise

The essential oil of green anise is indicated in case of vomiting, gastric insufficiency, meteorism, edema, but also in case of dizziness, asthma, panic attacks.

To facilitate digestion: 1 drop of essential oil in a teaspoon of honey to be dissolved in a cup of hot water to be taken after meals.

As a galactagogue : in a tablespoon of wheat germ oil 2 drops of essential anise oil to massage on the breast carefully avoiding the nipple, until completely absorbed. Repeat constantly 2 times a day.

As mucolytic : in a tablespoon of sweet almond oil 5 drops of essential anise oil to massage on the bronchi before going to sleep. Cover with a warm cloth to help absorb the anise. Operate in the same way to counteract abdominal spasms.

You can learn all the natural remedies against stomach acid

Contraindications of the essential oil of green anise

It should not be used during pregnancy as it stimulates uterine contractions . At high doses, green anise essential oil can cause intoxication and tremor. It can manifest interactions with anti-inflammatory and cortisone drugs.


The Greeks used anise seeds to thin the catarrhes. In ancient times, the green anise plant was considered sacred because of its medicinal properties. At the table of King Assyrian Ashurbanipal could not miss for its digestive properties. To this end it was also introduced as a kind of subsistence in the military baggage also due to the carminative and disinfectant properties of the gastrointestinal tract. The monks introduced green anise into their recipes to make flavored liqueurs.

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