Medicinal mushrooms against poisoning: which and when to take them

Edited by Ilaria Porta, Iridology Naturopath

Medicinal mushrooms can be useful in case of intoxication, be they food or due to toxic substances, thanks to their antioxidant, immunostimulant and organic support and immune system properties. Let's find out better.


Causes and types of poisoning

The causes of poisoning can be of various kinds, from food to poison or any other toxic substance (eg heavy metals), from an exaggerated amount of alcohol ingested, from any other emotional stimulation or hyperexcitability, from food containing bacteria or viruses, drugs or hard drugs.

Intoxications can also be divided according to the origin of the altering factor and can be of exogenous origin , that is of origin external to the organism, for example an intoxication from carbon monoxide, or of an endogenous nature that is of internal origin to the organism, for example in the case of hyperazotemia.

Still intoxication can be acute or chronic, or it can be a short but very intense intoxication with various symptoms or the subject can get intoxicated with small doses of a substance but prolonged over time causing various symptoms of malaise even if not immediate.

Mycotherapy against intoxication

As we know, fungi have multiple organic support properties, modulate the immune system by supporting it, act as powerful antioxidants, have immunostimulant properties, are part of the treatment of metabolic pathologies (eg diabetes), are anticancer, not least have detoxifying properties of most organs important in our body.

Some of them in fact carry out a purifying and draining and detoxifying action, nourishing deficient organs and eliminating the toxin load of them.

When there is intoxication or when the body is too full of toxins and is unable to expel them, then acting out the most important internal organs is my way of regaining well-being and health by strengthening the entire organism. The toxins in the body can cause long-term, if not immediate, serious problems for the individual, forcing internal organs such as the liver, the kidneys and the intestine to work further and onerously.

Also find out what are detoxifying foods, like flax seeds

Which mushrooms to use to detoxify

After a soil work, which will increase the assimilation of the important active ingredients and the substances contained in the mushrooms, the most important and the most suitable for this problem can be used.

The ABM is very rich in many important minerals including iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, potassium and sodium, etc., and last but not least the vitamins of group B and vit.D. acts in the purification of the body and as a powerful antioxidant.

The Coprino in addition to its regularization of metabolic waste is able to regularize the intestinal peristalsis and is therefore useful in the case of hemorrhoids, which are a secondary excretion used by the liver when it is in a state of overload.

Shiitake contains all the essential amino acids, but also eritadenine, a unique amino acid that is believed to have cholesterol-lowering effect and to prevent arteriosclerosis, a protective action on the liver by promoting the formation of antibodies against hepatitis B, it also fights some fungal infections such as candida because it acts on the intestine promoting the formation of a good intestinal bacterial flora. Very useful therefore in the normalization of the intestinal function fundamental for the organic toxin elimination.

Poliporus is an excellent diuretic and above all potassium saver, through this net saving and nutrition protects the Kidney and promotes good physiological functioning. It improves bone structure, hair and nails and promotes growth and also tends to preserve collagen, which is also very useful in constipation so it is excellent for eliminating toxins and not only kidney overload.

Last but not least, Cordyceps, which works excellently on the liver and supports slowing down the development of liver cirrhosis, greatly improving the functionality of this important organ. It increases not only physical resistance, but also mental resistance and is a very important cellular oxygenator.

Indications on the use of medicinal mushrooms

Always contact a professional in the field who will be able to indicate the type of mushroom or the best mushrooms to be used will be evaluated according to the subject and its constitution. In addition , soil work must first be done to ensure optimal action of medicinal mushrooms on the entire body.


Discover natural detoxifying supplements

Other articles on body detoxification:

> Purification and detoxification of the body

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