How to look for inner silence

Silence, complete lack of sounds or noises, voices and the like. Silence is also an answer that is lacking.

To look closely at the word of the verb "silencing" we find: "Voice of engineering and bureaucracy to silence or even silence a battery, a strong enemy, and the like." (Dal DELI, Manlio's Italian Dictionary Cortelazzo and Paolo Zolli, Zanichelli).

Let's dig into that "strong enemy" mentioned and see if it can be something that doesn't come from outside but that lives inside it.

Get closer to inner silence

We do not focus on the outside now because as we approach to know ourselves and move according to our conscience we do not expose ourselves to the attacks any more or we recognize them more immediately.

So, we said, the enemy could be inside . Really? But inside where, inside the mind? And where is the mind, does it have a place or does it run continuously around the body? The enemy could move fast, mimetic; you could find him doing barricades, trenches, lining up behind what you think of you, he, she, them.

But does this incessant production of thoughts, lead to the calm inner sea, towards stillness? The question is rhetorical but the answer we try to give can be useful, because for each of us this state is different.

What we mean by inner silence is very similar to a nucleus of energy from which an action perfectly aligned with the intention springs. The image of the bow and the arrow, to understand each other. If you are stacking one social evening after another, if you find yourself only in the expressions of the images that people have of you (which you have given them so far, to be more precise), perhaps it is time to withdraw.

In many books of that great man who was Jiddu Krishnamurti, a stateless philosopher of Indian origin, you can read something to get closer to the deep meaning of inner silence.

Obviously, it is always about books, the direct experience is something else. But in the words of those who have experienced it we can find a truth: silence reveals. The mind always goes where the order is lacking, it goes towards the problems, the projections.

But there is a possibility that this movement of the mind makes peace with the rhythm of the heart and this happens in silence. The nature of the state we are talking about corresponds to complete freedom from pain and desire. Pain and desire emerge. You can watch or you can decide to run away and go towards an even stronger, more evident, clear inner disorder. But in the long run this amounts to despising life.

This trend is resonating in different parts of the world; in New York, where new and hungry trends arrive, there is a restaurant where you eat in absolute silence. Needless to say, the practice of staying on what you eat goes back to the times and is not a trendy restaurant that inaugurates it.

Some tips to develop an inner discipline

Small practical exercise on inner silence

Three directives to start a little experiment on inner silence:

  1. Stay inside a lot. Look for a space where you will not be disturbed and lay down the real weapons of this era, that is cell phones and tablets.
  2. Keep your breath with the natural rhythm.
  3. You can notice if the jaw is relaxed by opening the mouth, letting it go; It is very important that this part of the body is relaxed.

Well, you can dive. This silence is not a punishment, but a source, a resource . A resource towards the inner smile, which is not the smile of those who show their teeth with a forced laugh or words of circumstance; it is the smile of knowing who one is or at least be along the way to find out. There is nothing really that matters more.

When you are on the way to abandon this precious silence lived with your eyes closed, you can let go of a sound, the first that comes. And try to feel which way it takes shape.

Observe if its principle starts from the collarbones, from the shoulders, from the abdominal area, from the skull, from the nose, from the throat. Once the area has been identified, the experiment is over, the sound can be repeated, but do not try to give it another origin. From where he started it's great.

In the days that will happen this first experiment is still worthwhile to start the sound naturally. Then, with time, at the end of meditation and the search for inner silence, you will be able to look for a sound to start from a part of the body that you choose.

You will see that the words will be rehabilitated, both those you hear and those you utter. You will be very sensitive at this stage. Take care of your listening and your heart.

Find out what silence and rest mean in integral yoga

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