Breastfeeding, all the remedies to favor it

Breastfeeding varies from woman to woman and depends on the rhythm and cadence with which to feed the baby. There are several natural remedies to promote this delicate moment. Let's find out better.

Anatomy of the breast

According to the WHO, potentially all women can produce milk. The cases in which this cannot be done for physiopathological reasons are very rare. Breastfeeding varies from woman to woman because it depends on the rhythm and cadence with which to feed the baby. How long? New mothers are asked. The truth is that there is no set interval between one breastfeed and another: natural breastfeeding must be free, "on request"; that is, the child must be attacked as often as he wishes.

At first it can be slightly complicated to understand when the baby is looking for the breast because it is hungry or to find some comfort. In any case, it is not wrong to offer it for comfort, moreover the frequent sucking favors the production of milk. However, there are valuable recommendations on breastfeeding provided by the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN).


Feeding in case of breastfeeding

To promote breastfeeding, this should be exclusive. Unless there are real reasons to offer the infant an addition of formulated milk, which should still be evaluated by a pediatrician, the baby fed on the breast does not need anything else. In the feeding of newborns of course, you don't even need water, not even herbal teas. Supplements, in fact, interfere with the natural process of breastfeeding because they influence the feedback mechanism between mother and baby, which is the basis for the adequate calibration of the supply of breast milk.

For the newborn, there is no better food than breast milk. However, it is also true that a mother may find it impossible to feed her baby to the breast or she may simply decide not to breastfeed and resort to so-called artificial feeding.

The production of formulated milk is subject to very strict regulations; there are clear parameters of composition and starting formulas that guarantee absolute safety.

For the feeding of neonat the preterm, which have particular nutritional needs, there are instead specific formulas that differ from those recommended for the term newborn and which have a higher caloric density.

Protein is important for the nursing mother; d will need to be present in an amount of about 17 g greater than the needs of a woman who is not breastfeeding. This quantity is indicatively provided by 50 g of grana cheese, for example.

It is better to avoid alcohol, overcooked legumes, heavy cheeses, lard, lard, cream, mayonnaise, stock cube, ketchup.

The supply of vitamins, fiber, mineral salts and water is important.

Important information on the link between diabetes and breastfeeding: science confirms that mothers who do not breastfeed their children for at least a month are more exposed to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as emerges from a recent study conducted in Pennsylvania . So far the benefits had been demonstrated for breastfeeding mothers for 6 months or a year, while the new study suggests that even a single month of breastfeeding produces positive and lasting effects on the mother's health.

You can learn more about nutrition to promote breastfeeding

Phytotherapy during lactation

In summary we should distinguish between officinal plants that decrease the intake of milk and others that increase the secretion. Among the galactogoge plants:

  • A cup after meals of infusion of green anise, cumin and caraway; leave 50g of each plant in a liter of boiling water (container with lid) for 10 minutes.
  • The infusion of basil is also excellent after meals; leave 50g of leaves in a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • The infusion of wild fennel is an extraordinary herbal remedy.

Among the galactofughe plants we remember instead the mercorella, the sage, the schooner.

Among the plants useful for promoting breastfeeding is also the milk thistle which has galactogenic properties. Milk thistle in fact stimulates the production of breast milk in mothers, because it contains a large amount of bioflavonoid complexes (phytoestrogens) called flavonolignans. These phytoestrogens regulate the female hormonal production, whose balance is fundamental for the woman's general well-being.

Bach flowers

Bach flowers can be very useful for taking care of the emotional state of the woman who has just become a mother. It is important to keep in mind the flower therapy and the great support that it can give because the emotional stresses play a fundamental role with respect to milk production.

  • Olive is suitable for recovering energy and serenity after giving birth;
  • Gentian works against the feeling of incapacity;
  • Mustard against mood swings;
  • Crab Apple in case there is discomfort during the breastfeeding practice phase.

Even Australian flowers can give great support in the phase of conception, breastfeeding up to adolescence.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Breast milk according to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine is produced from the Blood.

We want to give you a curious food tip about Chinese dietetics inside Traditional Chinese Medicine. It seems that black sesame strengthens the functional systems of Kidney and Liver and nourishes yin and Blood.

This function is particularly important for a woman after giving birth, when she has lost or consumed a lot of Blood and Essence. Sesame is one of the foods recommended during the breastfeeding phase, in case of asthenia or postpartum depression .

Homeopathy to promote breastfeeding

The new mother must be followed closely by the trusted homeopath. We will limit ourselves to explaining to you how much homeopathy can do for the mother and her baby or her newborn baby girl. Ricinus communis 5 CH (5 granules 3 times a day) favors the milk supply. In the case of low milk or low nutrient, Calcarea carbonica 200 CH, to balance quality and quantity, three doses (one every 5 days).

If there are fissures, usually the homeopath recommends Nitricum acidum 5 CH and Graphites 15 CH, 5 granules of each, 2 times a day, alternated. It is also useful to apply calendula oil on the cuts. There are numerous homeopathic remedies even in the event of tension and redness in the breast or breast engorgement.


Not so much exercises, as an important advice regarding breastfeeding, the position of the body . Proper attachment is essential to prevent fissures and prevent the feeding being insufficient. In case of problems or if you do not know the correct way to have the newborn attacked, it is advisable to ask the help of a midwife, just contact the nearest clinic.

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