The benefits of meditation

Meditation: general benefits

Meditating is good for the body, mind and spirit . As far as the physical is concerned, during meditation, a slowing down of bodily functions and metabolic processes is observed. The slowing of the respiratory rate, with a reduction in oxygen consumption and therefore in energy requirements, is linked to a lowering of arterial pressure and a progressive relaxation of the whole body. In this way, electrophysiological variations of the psychosomatic system are created, such as induction in the brain of alpha waves (characteristics of the state of relaxation) and, in the deeper stages, of Theta waves, typical of the early stages of sleep and childhood, with synchronization between the two cerebral hemispheres.

Thanks to the practice of meditation, we also see changes in the galvanic responses of the skin and other biochemical changes, such as the increase in the body's natural immune defenses. Mental tensions disappear and consequently the healing of many psychosomatic illnesses increases. Among the benefits of meditation can also be counted its preventive dimension, as a state of balance and harmony prevents diseases from developing.

As far as the mental and emotional aspect is concerned, with meditation are neutralized negative qualities such as hatred, envy, apathy, ignorance and narcissism, developing instead concentration, inner peace, wisdom, compassion and love.

One of the first responsibilities of the human being consists in coming out of the state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness typical of the human condition and in living a healthy, harmonious life, for oneself and for others. To do this, it is necessary to learn to use one's faculties for self-observation, digging deep inside oneself. Through the practice of meditation, a process of deep understanding of human nature and the realization of truth is initiated.

These so far described are benefits of standard meditation, but there are other benefits a little more ... particular.

Meditations: peculiar benefits

Among the benefits of meditation, which are a little more specific, there are those related to the energy of the sexual sphere. Kundalini meditation is related to the reservoir of sexual energy. Regarding the sexual dimension of the practice, the Tantric meditation approach helps to alleviate the tensions of the couple, bringing benefits in the case of frigidity, premature ejaculation and even impotence, when it has psychological roots.

Among the other benefits of meditation, we must include the energy shield of the merkabas, which aims to shield external negativities. In addition, merkaba meditation, according to some, would also allow the practitioner to prepare for a dimensional leap, considered imminent for the times in which we live.

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