Cardio-vascular system, disorders and all remedies

The heart is a contractile muscular organ composed of 4 cavities and sprayed with vessels called coronary arteries.

There are two main coronary arteries: the left coronary artery, which is divided into the anterior interventricular arteries and the circumflex artery, and the right coronary artery, which perfuses the right side of the heart.

The cardio-circulatory system is also composed of blood and blood vessels, in addition to the cardiac "pump". It is a closed system with dual circulation. Let's see in detail.

Anatomical description of the cardio-vascular system

The cardiovascular system consists of:

  • Blood - a fluid that circulates through the body and brings substances to the cells and drives others away;
  • Blood vessels - conduits through which blood circulates;
  • Heart - a muscle pump that distributes blood flow in the vessels.

The latter is a silent "patient and very precise percussionist". Not only does it contract, but it stimulates itself at certain heart rates, responds to electrical stimulation.

The cardiac cycle is the time between the end of a cardiac contraction and the beginning of the next. In the cardiac cycle we can distinguish two periods: diastole (the period of relaxation of myocardial musculature and filling of the heart) and systole (period of contraction, ie the expulsion of blood in the systemic circulation by means of the aorta).

The task of the blood moving in the circulatory system is to transport and transfer from one tissue to the other respiratory gases, nutrients, waste products, hormones, cells and molecules of the immune system, heat. All these functions are essential to guarantee a stable internal environment and inter-cell communication.

Treatments and natural therapies for the cardiovascular system

Stress is the worst enemy of the cardiovascular system, along with drug abuse, alcohol and negative thoughts . We list some herbal against stress . For example, griffonia that raises serotonin levels and regulates the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm).

The hypericum instead acts as a balancing of the mood. Lemon balm ( melissa officinalis) and passionflower ( Passiflora incarnata ) are also excellent, in addition to valerian.

Music is the natural therapy that helps the heart. Music therapy touches its strings directly. In fact, music can reduce blood pressure. At the private Paracelsus University in Salzburg there is a real research program in musical medicine.

Chiropractic is particularly linked to the heart. Massaging and manipulating certain areas of the body can help the heart function better. The most connected areas are sacrum, back and neck. In general, a chiropractor can understand the state of the heart just by checking the posture.

Diet is also important for the health of the cardiovascular system. A healthy diet, little salt and many minerals can control blood pressure and heart failure . C ibi home-cooked foods, with the maximum use of 1, 150 mg of salt a day, are the heart-saving remedy. Basil is an excellent source of magnesium, an essential mineral with great relaxing properties for both muscles and blood vessels, able to support circulation and decrease the risk of arrhythmias.

You can learn more about all the natural remedies for hypertension

Yoga for the cardio-vascular system

Science confirms that yoga techniques are effective for those with heart problems. At the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology held in April 2011 in New Orleans, a group of researchers from the Kansas University Hospital presented the results of a trial carried out on fifty patients between the ages of 25 and 70 who suffer from this type of cardiac arrhythmia. The study participants were followed for 6 months; in the first three they were free to freely perform a physical activity of their choice, while in the remaining period they were involved in 3 weekly yoga sessions of 45 minutes each. Thanks to the heart rate monitors worn by patients, the researchers were able to ascertain that, during the months of practice of this ancient oriental discipline, the episodes of arrhythmia had been reduced by almost half compared to the previous period. In addition, more than one in five patients reported no fibrillation episodes during the period considered.

"It seems that yoga is able to regulate the heartbeat, " commented Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy, cardiologist at the University of Kansas and principal author of the study, "but there is more: those who practiced this discipline were eventually even less depressed and anxious; and the quality of his life in general was improved ".

The heart, in general, immediately accuses anxiety, stress, disorders that can be controlled with yoga; the same goes for those energy depletions that lead to depression.

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is the one connected to the heart. Its colors are pink and green, it is located in the area of ​​the sternum, anteriorly and posteriorly at the level of the shoulder blades. The other associated organs are the hands , lungs and circulatory system, while the corresponding sense is touch.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is very effective for restoring the heart and the cardiovascular system to a balanced state, which then affects sweating and sleep . In traditional Chinese medicine the heart ( Xin ) holds the office of lord and master, possesses the brightness of the Shen . Root of life, movement of that vital energy that is reflected on the face. The heart in TCM is the most important of the Zang, it is associated with the figure of the Emperor, or the link between human beings and Heaven, the divine.

In Chinese folk medicine, longan is considered a food that provides heat and can help the cardiovascular system

Chinese dietetics also uses micotherapy for the treatment of the cardio-vascular system. In particular, Auricularia is a medicinal mushroom used as a blood and vascular system tonic. In fact, the regular intake of this fungus, gives an effect able to activate DNA repair systems thus protecting from degenerative pathologies and cardiovascular pathologies.

Curiosity about the cardio-vascular system

Actions that you do not imagine but that are good for the cardiovascular system:

  • Sing as if it were a prayer full of joy. sing as soon as you can, sing, with generosity and without judgment;
  • Take a long walk in the countryside ;
  • Be silent . It is a great exercise in spirituality, it educates the soul and the heart;
  • Tell the truth to those you love. Don't skimp on the truth. Which? The inner one. How to contact her? Already understanding that there is a need to do it is a big step.

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