Nervousness? Blend with the essential oil of cumin!

Cumin ( Cuminum Cyminum ) itself is a spice with multiple properties and uses. It is native to Egypt and central Asia, but is also cultivated throughout the Mediterranean area. It is carminative, digestive, antispasmodic, antioxidant, calming .

Its essential oil is obtained from the seeds by steam distillation. It is yellow / green and the scent is musky.

The use of essential cumin oil is indicated in various fields: in the treatment of circulatory insufficiencies and lymphatic stasis; epigastric spasms, colic, dyspepsias; headache, headache; emotional stress, nervousness, anxiety and fatigue.

Often all these disorders are generated by states of psycho-emotional debility, forms of stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Cumin essential oil acts on the central nervous system by rebalancing states of endogenous nature and acting on the physical plane to sedate somatization at the level of the gastrointestinal system .

Migraines of nervous origin benefit them, with consequent relaxation of the facial and cervical muscles.

Use of essential cumin oil

Essential oils are very powerful and must be used wisely, carefully and in a limited way .

It is a good idea to check the quality of the product and buy them from trusted herbalists. Not all of them are also indicated for internal use and must be dosed carefully. If taken by mouth it is advisable to accompany no more than 2 drops to a tablespoon of honey in which to dissolve them.

Let's see how to use cumin essential oil:

  • 5 drops in a basin of hot water and 5 drops in a basin of cold water: proceed with sponging alternating with the forehead, temples and neck in case of headache, cervicalgia, migraine. Cold and heat cause muscle contraction and dilation and the essential oil is absorbed more quickly and conveyed.
  • 3 drops in a tablespoon of massage oil (sesame oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil) and massage on the stomach and abdomen, clockwise to facilitate muscle relaxation and dissolve any epigastric spasms. Then cover the part with a warm cloth to enhance the effect.
  • 3 drops in an aromatherapy diffuser or spray on the pillow to promote relaxation and sleep at night.
  • 2 drops in a spoonful of honey to dissolve in a warm cup of Malva or Passiflora herbal tea, to calm anxiety and nervousness, to be taken twice a day.

    Did you know that cumin is a useful spice to fight colic?

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