November 20, World Transgender Memory Day

Rita, a day not to forget the victims

Decapitated, beaten to death, stabbed, shot to death with guns, suffocated, stoned. Reading the victims on the home page of the international page dedicated to the World Day of Transgender Memory ( Transgender Day of Remembrance - TDoR) is nothing short of impressive.

On 20 November a recurrence is commemorated in memory of the victims of hatred and gender prejudice, specifically transphobia . This day was introduced thanks to transgender activist Ann Smith since 1999.

The event brings to light the murder of Rita Hester, stabbed to death in her apartment in a Boston neighborhood. Killed a second time by the media who then spoke of her in the masculine. All this just for having taken a "different" lifestyle and certainly not easy to deal with.

Italy for the worldwide Giorgia of transgender memory

In the United States, but also in other cities of the world, still today, silent marches and candlelight vigils are organized to honor the memory of Rita and all those victims of violence and abuse. We come together to give voice to those who, too often, are forced to remain silent: here are the Italian initiatives.

> Rome: both at Termini Station and in the area and in Via San Giovanni in Laterano, vigils, torchlight processions and theme nights are organized. Indeed, a Candlelight will be held on Monday 20 November at 7.00 pm at the Termini Station on the Via Giolitti side in memory of the victims. Furthermore, from November 16th to 23rd the Mario Mieli Homosexual Culture Club will host the photographic exhibition "BETWEEN THE CLOUDS ♥ ELOVUN EL ART", designed by Paola Arpone and Georgia Garofalo.

> In Bologna, as communicated by CarpeDiem, the MIT (Trans Identity Movement) renews the appointment on Monday 20 November at 18.00 in Piazza del Nettuno, where a large banner will be rolled out on which will be written the names of the last trans victims year .

> Milan for the occasion of the Transgender Day of Remembrance is mobilized with the screening of the documentary / interview Speaking in the Clouds on November 20th at 9 pm at the Deicentro space in Piazza Berlinguer: a chat without censorship, without hypocrisy with the words of who found his way out of pain, from the obscurantism of the traditional Italian company;

> In Syracuse, the GLBT Stonewall association has decided to celebrate the T-dor with the "RaccontaTi" initiative, to give space and voice, on the association's website and on social media, to transsexual and transgender people, who they want to make their story known. Anyone wishing to participate in "RaccontaTi" can do so by sending their testimony to the email address of the association

> Turin, the rainbow route Trans Freedom March runs through the streets of the center, along via Po and arriving in piazza Castello, departing from piazza Vittorio Veneto at 4.30 pm. Sunday 19, again at the CasArcobaleno, via Lanino 3 / A from 12.00 to 16.00, photo exhibition " Tra-Volti ", curated by Arcigay Torino.

From 20 to 25 November at Circoscrizione 6 in via Leoncavallo 17, the photographic exhibition " Generi di primo first " by Circumscription 6 in collaboration with Maurice Lgbtq is exhibited. Finally, on November 23rd at the Multifunctional Center of the District 1, via Dego 6 at 6.30 pm, screening of the film " Tomboy " by Céline Sciamma. Until November 22nd in Piazza Castello, under the arcades Palazzo della Giunta Regionale, still in progress the photographic exhibition " In the clouds Elovun el art ", by the Torino Pride Coordination.

> The city of Benevento, thanks to the Wand association, will gather in Piazza Papiniano at 5.30 pm around the lights of some candles in the name of non-violence, freedom of life and against all forms of ignorance, from the insinuating and creeping and from that more fierce.

These and many other initiatives are scattered throughout the peninsula to say NO to all sorts of discrimination.

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