Acid-basic diet: how it works, benefits, contraindications

The acid-basic diet is a diet that limits acidic foods that take away minerals from the body in favor of basic alkaline foods. Let's find out better.

Description of the acid-basic diet

The acid-basic diet is based on the harmony of the elements we add to our body, a harmony given by the level of acidity of the foods themselves. According to the acid-basic diet the organism would naturally tend towards the basic, considering as a reference value a pH between 7.5 and 9 .

Immediate consequence is the limitation of acidic foods : when we ingest a certain food, this can give an acid reaction and tends to subtract mineral salts from the body, while a basic alkaline food is mineralizing does not subtract mineral salts to the body . The acid-basic diet focuses on the attention that must be paid to the combination of food.

Food and nutrition as prevention of all diseases

The main foods of the acid-basic diet

The acid-basic diet favors basic foods such as soy, green tea , dried fruit, vegetables and fruit.

These foods go well with acidic substances such as, for example, bread, meat and dairy products. In this diet there is a tendency to exclude all those foods that have undergone many transformations, since this type of products that derive from the food industry are very acidic.

Benefits and contraindications of the acid-basic diet

Attention to the combination of food ensures that a balanced meal is consumed. In the acid-basic diet, then, fruit is always at the table, as is the vegetable side dish.

Although it has not been scientifically proven that restoring the internal balance to the body leads to weight loss, the acid-basic diet allows you to know the properties of foods and is a different way to approach what is ingested.

Movement is a fundamental component implied in the lifestyle of those who follow an acid-basic diet, because toxins are eliminated only through physical activity .

Acid-basic diet: ideal if

Those who consume the usual pasta dish or have no imagination in food variations can benefit and get creative cues from the food combinations provided by the acid-basic diet.

Acid-basic diet: c ontroindicata se

The acid-basic diet is contraindicated in case of intolerance to specific foods or lack of certain nutritional principles.

Faithful and famous in the acid basic diet

"It makes me eat healthily and helps me detoxify the body, " Kirsten Dunst explains the acid-basic diet. The red flame that ignites Spider-Man, the blonde that soothes the pain of Orlando Bloom ( Elizabethtown ) is a follower of the diet that measures the pH of food.

Alkaline foods, what they are and how to combine them

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