An oriental legend tells that two young lovers but of different social caste used to meet in secret and every time the young lover brought a white rose to his beloved.
The story between the two lovers ended tragically when her father discovered this relationship and killed them both. The rose they held in their hands turned to stone and that's how rose quartz was born.
Properties and uses of rose quartz
Considered the stone of eternal youth, love, fertility, compassion, forgiveness, self-esteem and beauty, this stone works mainly on the sphere of emotions, rebalancing them to give us access to inner peace ; it also increases fertility, compassion for others and intuition.
It is a stone of "relief" as it helps to accept the most difficult changes, especially those that derive from an emotional detachment, it helps to open up to love and to heal the wounds of the soul going to remove old blocks and pains and purifying them
It makes one more peaceful, dissolves resentment, anger, hatred and nervousness, attenuates aggressive states, relaxes the nervous system and lowers blood pressure . It is a valid support for those who intend to start a spiritual journey as it leads to being very introspective, it relieves emotional tensions and helps to conform with universal love.
For its sweet energy, the properties of fighting depression, stress, insomnia and fatigue are associated with rose quartz. It is recommended to keep a rose quartz at home or in the workplace (if possible) to promote tranquility, harmonizing the environment making the atmosphere friendly, loving and relaxed.
Considered the stone of artists because it stimulates fantasy, intellect, it helps to develop love for beauty by opening the heart to others, towards oneself and increases self-esteem. He has the ability to cancel the ego by opening us to forgiveness and union with other beings (in this regard I suggest to those wishing to undertake this path to learn about "a course in miracles" to fully learn these concepts).
In India it is known as "Stone Burns Karma or Stone of Forgiveness" precisely because it helps dissolve our Karma, teaching us that we no longer need to pay our debts with suffering because everything has already been healed with forgiveness.
Physical benefits of rose quartz
From the physical point of view it is a valid support to increase fertility, to treat sexual traumas, for those who are unable to live the relationship with their body with serenity. It works very well in cases of inflammation of the ovaries and testicles .
In ancient times rose quartz was also used for beauty care: the Egyptians and Romans used it to prevent wrinkles and to make the skin soft and velvety slowing down the aging process of the skin, making it fresh and radiant.
It is cardio-protective, reduces tachycardia and increases the regularity of the heartbeat in the arrhythmia. Since it is the heart stone and works by harmonizing the 4th chakra (that of the heart) I recommend wearing the stone in the form of a pendant with a long chain up to the chest, so that when you walk it also goes gently tapping this chackra increasing it 'opening.