Natural supplements to lose weight, they are not all the same

Glucomannan, caffeine, green tea, fucoxanthin: these are just some of the ingredients that can be found in weight loss supplements. Which are really effective?

Often those who sell them exalt their properties without specifying that in many cases the proofs of their effectiveness are very few .

It is therefore difficult to understand which supplements to lose weight are really worth buying.

Moreover, more often than not, in a supplement there are several different ingredients, and rarely has the effectiveness of the finished product been tested before it went on the market.

In such a landscape, the best choice is to try to understand which ingredients could really promote weight loss.

What supplements to lose weight?

Caffeine, naturally present, is undoubtedly among the most publicized substances.

> in tea,

> in guarana,

> in the yerba mate

> in various natural supplements.

In fact it could help you lose weight, or at least not put on weight, but when it is used regularly it can give tolerance, a phenomenon that can cancel any effect on body weight.

Bitter orange is also often included among the ingredients of slimming products.

This natural remedy is given the ability to increase calories and burned fat and reduce appetite.

However, at present there is no evidence of its effectiveness in terms of weight loss.

Not even capsaicin has been studied enough to confirm its slimming properties, such as forskolin, fucoxanthin and raspberry ketones.

The available evidence suggests instead that guar gum and yohimbe are not effective weight loss remedies, and the usefulness of garcinia cambogia remains in doubt.

Among the natural remedies that could exert some weight loss action are glucomannan, green coffee extract, green tea and Phaseolus vulgaris extract.

And the chitosan? It is said that by binding to the fats in the digestive tract it helps not to absorb them, but in reality it does not seem to cause much weight to be lost.

The importance of lifestyle

In any case, it is not realistic to think of solving the problem of overweight and obesity by relying exclusively on weight loss supplements.

In fact, to lose weight, it is essential to take less energy with food and drink than you burn with your daily activities.

From a practical point of view this means combining a nutritionally and energy-efficient diet (in case you want to lose weight, low-calorie) to a physical activity .

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