The sleep of children: a help from Bach flowers

"My son does not sleep, he wakes up a thousand times a night", "if I am not near him, my little boy does not go back to sleep", "since he was born at night you can no longer sleep".

The difficulties with the sleep of children that parents with a small child live are frequent. They often complain that the child has difficulty falling asleep, or tends to wake up often at night and sleep little alone. Problems that put mom and dad into a crisis, which on the one hand are worried about the nighttime tantrums of their son, and on the other they spend the night in white with daytime weariness.

So what to do if your child doesn't sleep well?

First of all it is important to know that the sleep of a child, especially that of a newborn, is different from that of an adult: as soon as the babies are born they have a definite ultradiano rhythm, punctuated by a feeding and a nap and not by the light / dark passage. As they grow they acquire a biorhythm of their own (called circadian), that is they learn to respect waking during the day and sleep at night more.

For this reason children need regulation, that is to say to be in a certain way accompanied to sleep : that an environment is created for them and that if they wake up at night they are helped to go back to sleep.

In the first 3 months, when there is a strong symbiosis between mother and child, the child experiences a moment of exogation: it comes out of the mother's belly and is unsuitable for the outside world, therefore it needs to still be very contained and protected. It is as if a part of the gestation took place outside the mother's belly and the child in this state of numbness falls asleep mostly in his arms.

In this case, the Bach Walnut flower will favor a better adaptation to the new situation.

Sleep after 4 months

After 4 months there is a big change: while in the first trimester the child needs this containment and the more he holds himself in his arms, even when he is asleep and the quieter his sleep will be, after 4 months he begins to feel the mode of falling asleep, that is, the child who always falls asleep in his arms, or nursed, or on the couch and then sleeps somewhere else, will tend to look for that way of falling asleep.

If you fall asleep exclusively at the breast or bottle, or always in your arms or always on the stroller, when you put it in the bed or in the bed to sleep, you will feel disoriented.

His nocturnal awakenings are physiological and if he finds himself in the same place where he fell asleep he will fall back to sleep more easily, sometimes alone or with the help of his parent, while if he falls asleep in one way, for example in his mother's arms and he finds himself in the crib, he will feel a sense of disorientation and therefore he will have more difficulty in going back to sleep.

While sleep is necessary for everyone, falling asleep is a behavior that is gradually acquired: it is the parent who must transmit it to the child through good habits.

It will therefore be appropriate, starting from 5/6 months of age, to construct a path made of small habits to help the child to face the moment of sleep. Repeated gestures to create those routines that have the function of reassuring the child, such as the music box, the lullaby, the fairy tale, are small gestures that mark the road to sleep.

Once built, the ritual of accompanying sleep should be strictly followed.

Sleep is also the first form of separation that the child experiences: falling asleep and closing his eyes means closing with this world and going to another world, that of sleep, which is his.

To facilitate this step, Cherry Plum is the Bach flower that can help him to abandon himself more easily to sleep.

For the very young, the Bach flower Aspen protects them from strange sensations that can degenerate into fears. In fact, the young are true perceptive "sponges", they feel every slightest environmental perturbation and, not being able to process it yet, they can perceive it as threatening.

During sleep important things happen, such as just to name a few, the production of cytokines (proteins responsible for the immune response), of somatotropin (growth hormone), but also processing of diurnal experiences.

If a child sleeps poorly or does not sleep well, his psychophysical well-being may be affected: this will manifest itself in the small child with crying, while the older child may become more agitated, more aggressive, may show tiredness, depression, difficulty concentrating, etc.

The Chamomile Californian flower will promote better relaxation at bedtime.

Chamomile is also useful for those more lively children.

In fact, the child's temperament also counts on sleep: a quieter child has more ease in falling asleep than a more active and energetic child who needs more time and different methods.

Many factors can affect children's sleep, which is why it is necessary to carry out a thorough investigation of the possible causes, so as to be able to intervene effectively with flower essences.

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