Excess potassium

What happens when there is an excess of potassium

When there is too much potassium in the blood, a symptom that is defined by the medical term hyperkalemia or hyperkalemia, serious disorders can occur. Potassium values ​​can be seen by undergoing simple blood tests, which can be further investigated by an electrocardiogram if necessary. The first symptoms that define an excess of potassium are the same as those of a lack of it: weakness, tiredness, manifestation of muscle cramps.

The one who makes the most of it this time is the heart, which is subjected to frequent and high current discharges given by the excess of potassium. You can therefore have heart rhythm disturbances, such as extrasystoles or slowdowns, up to even cardiac arrest.

What helps prevent the formation of excess potassium?

Provided that the triggering cause is not a genetic dysfunction, the excess of potassium can be balanced thanks to daily devices. Let's see the main ones:

  • Power supply against excess potassium

An excess of potassium comes to be balanced by a diet that keeps under control the consumption of fruits, vegetables and foods that contain high doses of the mineral in question, therefore avoid eating: cocoa, cocoa-based desserts, dried fruit like almonds, raisins, pine nuts, prunes, peanuts. Avoid olives. Equally limited are the doses of alcohol such as wine and beer and coffee consumption. No more bananas, potatoes, spinach, artichokes, beets, leeks.

  • Sweating makes you lose excess potassium

Normally, when you go to hot countries or practice strenuous sports, sweating is accelerated considerably, and consequently there is a loss of mineral and salt resources, particularly potassium, in the blood. Vice versa, therefore, if it is necessary to lower the levels of excess potassium, it is enough to practice a little aerobic and sweating physical activity: long walks, jogging, swimming, cycling, are all aerobic sports that can only benefit your health.

  • Cooking decreases potassium in food

To help disperse the potassium present in the foods to be cooked in the water and make lighter fruits and vegetables in this sense, it is necessary to cook them in abundant water. Absolutely do not drink the juice that remains of it, or rather drain it properly. Therefore, steam, micro wave or pressure cooker are not recommended, which on the contrary hold liquids, and with them minerals and all nutrients.

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