Pancreas: how to keep it healthy

Pancreas functions

The functions of the pancreas are mainly two:

> Digestive function, through the production of enzymes for digestion, at the level of the stomach, of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

> Function of regulating the level of glucose in the blood, through the production of insulin and glucagon, two antagonistic hormones that allow to control the concentration of sugar in the blood, the storage of sugars at the level of the liver and therefore the correct metabolism and use of glucose from the whole body.

    What overloads the work of the pancreas?

    For good pancreas health, special attention must be paid to nutrition and lifestyle habits . Pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas, is due to an incorrect diet, often accompanied by addictions, even minor ones, from tobacco and alcohol, and from the incorrect and prolonged use of drugs.

    The healthy pancreas allows you to digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats and regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood stream.

    Its digestive function is closely connected with the function of the liver and the secretion of bile: the digestive enzymes of the pancreas are in fact activated by the bile, while its endocrine function makes sugar available for normal body functions.

    To overload the work of the pancreas is a diet too rich in fats and sugars, in addition to the inappropriate use of drugs and alcohol abuse: this can lead to inflammation of the pancreas.

    The health of the pancreas is closely linked to the health of the liver, since their functions are closely linked.

    Another cause of inflammation of the pancreas is the presence of gallstones . The gall bladder contributes, together with the pancreas and other glands, to the secretion of substances that allow the digestion of food.

    Gallstones are formed from bile too rich in bilirubin, cholesterol and bile salts, which leads to the formation of small pebbles that can clog the bile ducts and compromise the function of the gall bladder.

    Gallstones can shift to the pancreas or cause bile reflux to the pancreas.

    Pancreas: how to keep it healthy

    Keeping the pancreas healthy means allowing it to carry out its digestive and hormone production functions, without overloading its task by inserting foods that are too burdensome.

    In case of inflammation of the pancreas the first thing to do is to purify it, through a balanced diet and certain natural remedies.

    The artichoke is the food of choice for purifying liver and pancreas: raw or cooked, whole or in the form of juice or smoothie, it allows to effectively detoxify both the liver and the pancreas from toxins.

    Another effective remedy is aloe vera juice .

    Spring in traditional Chinese medicine is the season linked to the movement of wood, associated with the liver-orgasm organ-bowel pair: in traditional Chinese medicine the season associated with certain organs naturally produces what can support the organ itself. In spring the artichoke is in its maximum production.

    Equally the case for chicory, dandelion, and cruciferae such as broccoli, cabbage, and brussels sprouts .

    These foods support both the liver and the pancreas and make it possible to purify them .

    To keep the pancreas healthy it is essential, in general and in every season, to avoid inducing food in the body that leads to low glycemic levels, avoiding sweets and foods with too high a glycemic index: refined flours and cereals, baked goods, foods sweetened and sweetened, foods that have undergone a long industrial processing and rich in additives.

    When too much sugar is introduced into the body, be it simple or complex, with a high glycemic index, the pancreas must buffer its presence by insulin secretion.

    This leads to a super job that does not correspond, however, the same advantage for the body, since the sugar introduced is not usable nor functional to the needs of the body.

    It is therefore preferable to use seasonal and fresh foods, cooked and raw vegetables, with few fat sauces, including vegetable oil and margarine.

    Finally, to keep the pancreas healthy, one can resort to the suggestions of analogical medicine: analogously the pancreas is linked to the ability to metabolize sweetness, and make it available for the rest of the holistic body-mind-heart system.

    In this case the sweetness refers to the affective sphere and to its acceptance and expression : those who do not know how to circulate the sweetness inside and outside of themselves crystallize the feelings behind an apparent indulgence, hiding in reality an internal rigidity (gallstones) and external (reluctance towards effusions).

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