Excess fat in the body

Overweight and obese people are characterized by an excess of fat that accumulates in adipose tissue.

The fat contained in the abdomen is called visceral fat: the latter is very dangerous for various health problems: metabolic or plurimetabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, circulatory problems.

Interventions against overweight and obesity: the control of the glycemic peak

The diffusion that exists in the world of overweight and obesity makes it necessary in my opinion an important intervention at an educational level: I speak of a good nutrition education, through proper nutrition ; I'm not talking about simple dieting in particular, as most people immediately feel the word and think they are going hungry or even completely deprived of food.

As a personal trainer and greatly interested in the nutrition sector, I think it is very important to balance the energy balance, calories introduced through nutrition and calories consumed with physical activity; in favor of the calories consumed with physical activity, moderating on the one hand the quantity of calories that are introduced with food and increasing on the other the energy expenditure, therefore a lot of physical activity, eg: aerobics, fitness, cycling, swimming, walking at a steady pace.

The role of glucose levels in the blood during the day is significant, following the intake of carbohydrates.

The latter are also called glucides and are digested and transformed into glucose.

My advice? Prefer slow absorption ones.

After a meal too rich in carbohydrates, the concentration of glucose in the blood (glycaemia) increases.

Excess fat: a health risk

At this point what happens?

This increase in blood sugar levels in the bloodstream stimulates an important endocrine gland in the digestive system, called the pancreas, to secrete the hormone insulin called the storage hormone or lipid-resistant hormone responsible for excess weight.

So in simple terms to make a trivial example we get fat because we have high levels of insulin, which then lead us to the production of bad eicosanoids, an important class of hormones.

Insulin promotes the use of glucose, stimulates the conservation of excess glucose in the form of fats and in particular triglycerides.

The more abrupt the increase in blood glucose levels after a meal, the greater the release of insulin which then causes a sudden lowering of glucose levels to lower values ​​(it is called reactive hypoglycemia).

Returning too quickly to low blood glucose levels is a shortage of fuel ( carbohydrates ) for the body and therefore the sensation of appetite is perceived, therefore the additional intake of food.

There is a risk of entering this way in a vicious circle.

I recommend as a personal trainer to limit the intake of refined carbohydrates and prefer complex carbohydrates that induce a gradual release of insulin into the blood without raising the glycemic peak abruptly in the bloodstream.

In my opinion, I believe that overweight and obesity must be treated with a change in lifestyle and a good diet, that is, with a healthy and adequate nutrition education, let us not forget the importance of physical activity to fight diseases.

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