Hair removal at home: razor, creams, epilator ... what to choose?

With a blade or an electric blade, the razor is the fastest and without a doubt painless method .. but it can cause skin irritation and for this it must always be used together with products such as foams and creams rich in silicones that facilitate the sliding of the blade but also go to impact on the environment ; plus blade razors are often disposable and as we know the environment just doesn't digest this category!

The second most simple and painless method is the creams and depilatory soaps based on thioglycolic acid, which acts by weakening the structure of the hair, it is not a natural depilation : this acid boasts the red stamp according to the Biodizionario, it is a substance particularly aggressive, not only for the hair, but also for skin and nails and it is always better to wear gloves for application and removal and also to respect application times!

The notorious rotary discs or springs, which, with their movement, capture the hairs and tear them from the follicle like so many tweezers have become women's best friends or the worst enemies: the electric epilator has good that it doesn't need any product to facilitate the sliding, a point in favor of the environment! Being, like the electric razor, dependent on the current, we must insert it into energy consumption ... even if used more rarely, since the hair once ripped will take more than two days to regrow.

Finally, an ideal remedy is waxing . The hot one consists of a mix of substances, especially resins and waxes, not always from the green ! To prefer both for ourselves and for the environment, cold wax made up of various components but the main one, glucose, gives the preparation a semi-solid consistency and a good relationship with the environment!

If you are still not convinced on which method to choose, discover on a natural and do-it-yourself method to shave in a delicate and painless way starting from the preparation of the skin, continuing with an ancient waxing used by Arab women to pamper the skin in the post - depilation: it will be a way to feel beautiful and in harmony with the environment!

From the Editor of Yes.Life

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