Nutrition that helps fight gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric wall; it can be acute or chronic; mild or severe. The most common symptoms are acidity, cramps, burning and nausea. Sometimes vomit also appears.

We see nutrition to combat its symptoms.

The rules of nutrition against gastritis

Nutrition against gastritis has its own rules, which do not only concern the foods to be avoided or preferred, but also the methods of eating meals and food hygiene.

  • Take the right time to eat and chew slowly . To help digestion it is necessary to eat slowly and calmly. A sandwich consumed in front of the computer without even thinking about what you are swallowing is a noxious habit for everyone, but above all for those who are predisposed to suffer from gastritis or other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Avoid meals that are too abundant and excessively rich, especially in the evening;
  • Consume five small meals (breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) broken down correctly and regularly throughout the day. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks help to plug the acidity of the stomach, which increases during periods of prolonged fasting;
  • Do not lie down or go to sleep immediately after eating .

As for the foods to be included in the diet against gastritis, only general indications can be given; the tolerability and digestibility of foods is indeed subjective and sometimes what annoys a person can be absolutely harmless for another.

In general, however, all foods that are too fatty, too seasoned or difficult to digest (stuffed cakes, sausages, ready-to- eat sauces, pickled or pickled products ...), spices, sour fruit and vegetables, frozen foods and drinks should be avoided .

Instead, we recommend yogurt, vegetables cooked simply (for example boiled or grilled) and generally all light and low-fat foods.

Gastritis: the causes

In many cases gastritis is caused:

  • from bad habits, first of all smoking cigarettes and alcohol ;
  • from the use of some drugs, for example acetylsalicylic acid or NSAIDs;
  • from a dietary style that favors its onset, for example from the excessive consumption of foods that cause acidity or of seasonings and spices irritating to the gastric mucosa.

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