Wheat flour, properties and use

Wheat flour, obtained by grinding the caryopses of plants of the genus Triticum, is a product rich in proteins, mineral salts, fibers and vitamin. Let's find out better.

How to make wheat flour

Wheat flour is obtained by grinding wheat, Triticum, one of the oldest and most widespread cereals in the world. The wheat grains of mietono, s trebbiano and, with a further processing called "abburulation", the flour is produced which is then the product that is purchased in the store.

The two most famous varieties of wheat flour are wheat or Triticum vulgare and durum wheat or Triticum turgidum . The first is generally used for the production of bread, the second for pasta.

Properties and use of wheat flour

The wheat flour is in turn divided into 00, 0, 1, 2 and integral. The last is the richest in fibers and the first is the most refined, used in confectionery. The 00 flour is the most candid and pure, but also the poorest in nutrients.

The flour contains proteins (gliadin and glutenin) vitamins, minerals and fibers. Whole wheat flour is the least refined and has a greater amount of fiber and is the most complete from a nutritional point of view .

Starch and gluten are the main components of wheat flour. Also present in this flour are sugars, dextrin, gums, phosphates. Durum wheat contains more protein than soft wheat. Not good for coeliacs because it contains gluten .

Find out what foods are for celiacs

Wheat flour products

Many products are made with wheat flour: bread and derivatives, pasta, desserts of all kinds, cakes, biscuits . Wheat flour 00, 0 and wholemeal is a product that is easily found in supermarkets and shops. To recover the types 1 and 2 flours, which are less common, you can search specifically online.

Seitan is also obtained from wheat flour, which is obtained by separating the gluten from the starch and bran through a filtering process with hot water.

A recipe up your sleeve

Fresh tagliatelle with whole wheat flour

Ingredients :

  • 500 grams of wholemeal wheat flour,
  • 5 whole eggs,
  • 1 tablespoon and half of fine salt,
  • water.

Procedure : Sift the flour on the pastry board and make a hole in the center where the eggs and salt are added. Beat the ingredients using a fork. Stir in the flour from the edges to the inside.

Continue to incorporate the flour and, if the mixture is dry, add a little water. Knead vigorously, pull the dough with the palm of your hand, fold it and turn it until you get a firm and smooth ball.

Cover with a cloth and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Cut the dough into slices and spread them one by one in a very thin sheet, using a rolling pin or the special tool to pull the dough. Always with the tool or by hand, make medium-sized tagliatelle. Allow them to air dry on a wooden stick.

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