Dry cough, natural remedies to help

Dry cough is really a " nuisance "! Apart from the play on words, this type of cough is characterized by the lack of phlegm, with attacks that sometimes seem to split the sternum and the bronchi.

In some cases the effort leads to retching, heartburn . The causes must be researched in depth because the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, larynx and faring and, from which the dry cough springs, can turn into infection and promote the production of phlegm. On the other hand, dry cough may sometimes be of nervous origin and have psychological causes.

It is therefore important to intervene with softening remedies that calm the cough, moisturize the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, disinfect the larynx and pharynx. It is also necessary to maintain the right degree of humidity in the rooms where you are staying, so it is advisable to have a dehumidifier with balsamic essences such as mugo pine, eucalyptus and cajeput.

Let's see then some remedies for our dry cough.

Honey for dry cough

Honey should never be lacking in our homes : in addition to softening drinks instead of sugar, it can be used as a syrup and enriched with a drop of essential oil among the most suitable for dry cough.

A nice spoonful of honey in fact, thanks to its stickiness, slowly descends along the oral cavity and soothes the inflammation of the throat and trachea. It perfectly wraps the essential oil and makes it edible in maximum safety. Honey is also rich in polyphenols, with an antioxidant effect, thus protecting our cells from aging and from the attack of pathogens.

It is a broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory and has antibiotic properties when used topically. To take advantage of all the properties of honey, it is best to take it in a soup spoon without diluting it in a hot drink . In the latter case, its properties disperse too much and only benefit from its sweetening effect.

Find out how to make cough syrups

Essential oils for dry cough

Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy but also, not all and only if very pure, for internal use, handling them very carefully. I will point out some that help remove dry cough and disinfect the mucous membranes:

  • Lavender : 1 drop in a spoonful of honey to ingest. 5 drops in a room diffuser. It has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antispasmodic and analgesic properties. It is relaxing, antidepressant, antiseptic . It is indicated in cases of sleep disturbance, stress, spasms, headaches, nausea, flu, cough, inflammation.
  • Eucalyptus : 1 drop in a spoonful of honey to swallow. 5 drops in a room diffuser. It has antiviral, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is indicated for the infectious processes of the respiratory tract, such as colds, coughs, flu, pharyngitis, laryngitis, fatigue, neuralgia, headaches.
  • Pino Mugo : 1 drop in a spoonful of honey to be swallowed. 5 drops in a room diffuser. It has stimulating properties of the nervous system, is an expectorant, antiseptic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory. It is indicated in case of cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, colds, flu, fatigue, convalescence.
  • Cajeput : 1 drop in a spoonful of honey to ingest. 5 drops in a room diffuser. It has antiseptic, antiviral, antirheumatic and antispasmodic properties. He is an expectorant, febrifuge, antineuralgic . It is indicated to fight colds, neuralgia, cough.

    Herbal tea for dry cough

    For dry cough it is good to drink a lot, so as to hydrate, soothe and disinfect the throat, calm the attacks and the sense of nausea that they can cause.

    Some natural remedies are for us to create a balsamic and soothing mix to which we add a nice spoon of honey:

    • Mallow : rich in flavonoids and mucilages, it has an anti-inflammatory action on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the esophagus, the stomach and even the intestine. It is emollient, soothing, expectorant
    • Linden : remedy rich in mucilage, plays a mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action in case of cough. Seat the spasms, soothes the entire section of the oral cavity. It is emollient and soothing.
    • Altea : The mucilages are the top element for these remedies, giving them soothing, emollient and decongestant properties . It is indicated in cases of respiratory tract infections, sore throat and mouth irritations, such as stomatitis and gingivitis.

    Herbal tea made for dry cough

    We create an herbal tea with the remedies mentioned above.


      > 2 satins of marsh roots

      > 1 tablespoon of mallow

      > 1 tablespoon of lime

      > honey

      Preparation : we put the spoons of marshmallow root in 150 ml of water (about 1 cup) to which to add the spoon of mallow and lime in infusion; let stand for about 10 minutes, strain and sweeten with honey. We can take up to 4 cups a day.

      How to resolve dry cough in children?

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