Natural fluoride supplements, what they are and when to take them

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

Fluorine is a mineral widely present in nature, both in water and in the food we eat. It has different functions in our body. Let's find out which ones.

Mineral water: natural source of fluorine

Properties of Fluorine supplements

Fluorine ensures resistance and elasticity to supporting connective tissue, ligaments, capsules, bands, muscles and vascular walls. Fixing itself in fluoridoxiapatite crystals, it protects the bone tissue from osteoclasts and stimulates the activity of osteoblasts.

Fluorine prevents caries with different mechanisms of action: as a constituent food of enamel fluoridroxypatite, it increases the tooth's resistance to acid aggression by bacteria. And again, it inhibits numerous enzyme systems, counteracting the production of lactic acid and reducing the availability of glucose for the bacterial cell.

In association with calcium it performs a reparative action in the initial dental caries. The solubility of the enamel is reduced both when the fluorine is incorporated at the time of formation of the enamel, and when it is concentrated in the most superficial layer of the already formed enamel, due to an ionic substitution mechanism.

In children, fluoride contributes to the formation of dental enamel even before the tooth eruption, after which it tends to deposit on the enamel, strengthening its structure. Furthermore, fluoride hinders the production of aggressive acidic substances by bacterial plaque microorganisms, which determine caries.

In the formation of the skeleton , fluorine makes it possible to use a substance called apatite, the main component of bone tissue.

Fluorine food supplements

The main food sources of fluoride are: water, tea, wheat, rice, rye bread, milk, egg yolk, onion, garlic, watercress, raw cabbage, seafood, red meat.

Fluorine is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine . Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, aluminum and silicon reduce its absorption, while molybdenum, copper and manganese favor it.

Symptoms, causes and natural remedies against fluoride deficiency

Fluorine herbal supplements

Tea (both black and green) has a good percentage of fluoride. It, prepared with oligomineral water, represents a natural integration of fluorine .

Fluorine supplements on the market

The fluorine on the market is present in the form of sodium fluoride, present especially in oligotherapy preparations. Since the toxic dosage is set at values ​​just above the optimal ones and that it is not possible to control the daily intake of fluoride, being this dependent on many factors (consumption of fish, type of mineral water chosen, toothpaste used, drinking water, etc.), the spontaneous use of fluorine-based supplements is not recommended .

The possibility of using specific supplements to improve one's bone and dental health must always be discussed with the doctor or dentist, who, for their part, should carry out a thorough investigation to evaluate the daily intake through the sources food.

Beware of excess fluoride, dangerous to health

Daily requirement

Breast milk is usually the right amount of fluoride for infants. Infant formula can be fluoridated with water to prepare it. For adults, adequate levels of fluoride range from 1.5 to 4 mg a day, to be taken through water and food.

Discover also natural supplements for children: what is really needed?

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