3 recipes to balance the irritable colon

The change in eating habits that is often encountered during summer trips can overload the digestive system, then present the bill on return from vacation.

Even the weight variations that can be incurred on vacation can be due to imbalances in the intestinal tract.

Here then are 3 quick recipes to rebalance the intestinal function.

Brown rice cream


> a cup of organic brown rice or organic brown rice flour

> 3 cups of water

> salt

Preparation : grind the whole rice flour in a coffee grinder. Bring the water to the boil with the salt, pour the ground rice or flour, cook until all the water is absorbed (15-30 minutes depending on the type of flour). Consume warm.

In the case of rice it is necessary to use the organic variety and rinse it briefly in cold water before cooking. To increase digestibility and in cases where you are not used to whole foods it is recommended to sieve the cream and remove part of the fiber.

You can thicken the rice cream by adding kuzu: it consists of a starch with alkalizing properties commercially available in the form of white crystals and is available at organic and natural food stores.

Adding it to the cream is easy: just dissolve 1 teaspoon of kuzu in a little cold water, boil it lightly until it melts and finally add the starch to the cream.

Irritable colon? Try the food combinations

Apple juice and agar drink

In the case of intestinal constipation, two simple drinks can be used: one sweet and the other salty. In the first, the sweet taste is made from apple juice, while in the second, tamari is used, a fermented soy sauce.


> 1 cup of apple juice without added sugar

> 1 tablespoon agar agar flakes

Preparation : mix the ingredients in a saucepan and melt the agar agar. Allow to cool and consume before the agar agar, derived from red algae commonly used as a thickener for macrobiotic and natural sweets, becomes a gelatin. Then drink warm or warm

Carrot, daikon and tamari drink


> 1 carrot

> daikon

> 1 tablespoon of tamari

> 1 pinch of salt (choice)

Preparation : grate the carrot and daikon (you can use a turnip to replace the daikon), add a spoon each in a saucepan with two cups of water and boil.

Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, add the tamari and salt. To give a more spicy taste it is possible to grate fresh ginger.

This drink, in addition to balancing for the intestine, also has diuretic properties .

Irritable colon

Bloating and abdominal pain, constipation alternating with diarrhea, heaviness after meals, mild fever, fatigue, fatigue and irritability can be clear indication of a problem related primarily to digestion.

Often the irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed, with the consequent prescription of drugs, but excluding the most serious cases, it is possible to help to rebalance the functionality of the intestine through nutrition .

These first aid recipes can help us in cases where the discomfort has become marked without yet being serious and unmanageable.

Find out more about feeding the irritable bowel

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