Face to face with a gemmoderivato: the olive tree

The bud-derived is a natural remedy used in gemmotherapy: a therapy, inspired by the principles of homeopathy and the daughter of classical herbal medicine.

To Pol Henry, a Belgian physician, we owe the idea of ​​using plant sprouts in human therapy, based on the intuition that the meristematic tissues of plants (embryonic tissues in the process of growth) contain active ingredients different from the rest of the parts of the adult plant, both in terms of quality and quantity.

The results of the first works appeared in the Archives Homéopathiques de Normandie in 1959 and today are confirmed both on a pharmacological and clinical level.

The analogical biological model devised by Henry uses plants taking into account the interactions between plants of the same environment, the alterations they cause in the soil where they live and the capacity they have to modify the quantities of plasma proteins in our body.

Therefore plants belonging to the same ecosystem will be used for the therapy and the therapeutic associations of trees and shrubs.

Face to face with the Olive-derived gemmoderative: Olea Europaea

Each bud-derived has precise clinical indications and has a tropism for certain organs. Therefore, once the diagnosis for the disease has been made, the most suitable gemmoderivato is prescribed to fight it.

The olive tree is widespread throughout the Mediterranean maritime area up to 600 m. of altitude. It prefers calcareous and clayey soils as long as they are well drained, tolerates drought well and badly the cold. This tree has a twisted and gnarled trunk; evergreen leaves and white flowers. Its fruits are edible drupes, from which olive oil is obtained, rich in nutritional and healing properties.

The Ulivo gemmoderivato, called Olea europaea (the name of the plants in the form of gemmoderivata keeps the botanical term in Latin, to differentiate itself from that of the mother tincture of the same plant, which is instead called with the vulgar name) has hypotensive, antisclerotic and plays a cholesterol-lowering action .

It is therefore used in cases of high blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and in all sclerotic syndromes caused by senility or diabetes.

Here's how to make olive leaf extract

Face to face with the buds

The fundamental characteristic of a gemmoderivate is precisely that of exercising at an energetic level, mainly a detoxifying action, helping the body during the purification phase from the countless toxins that circulate and accumulate in the blood or with which one can come into contact for any reason, which poison our body.

Unlike phytotherapy which uses flowers, leaves, roots and barks of herbs and already formed medicinal plants, gemmotherapy prepares remedies starting from embryonic tissues, fresh crops, of different trees and shrubs (the emerging buds and buds), but also from the reproductive parts (seeds and catkins) and young tissues (the roots and the bark of the roots).

These embryonic tissues, called " meristematic ", maintain the total anabolic power of the plant 's primitive plant cell, capable of developing all its potential, something that differentiated adult cells no longer have. This means that in vitro, only one of these embryonic cells can reconstitute the plant in its entirety .

In the comparison between gem and adult tissue, significant qualitative and quantitative variations in active ingredients have been demonstrated. In fact, in meristematic tissues there are more substances than there are in the now developed vegetal parts, as they are particularly rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, oligo-elements, growth factors, nucleic acids (RNA DNA), plant hormones (which disappear when chlorophyll forms).

Therefore the extraction of the buds brings the genetic information of the plant (embryonic virtue of the meristem) as well as the active ingredients contained in the different parts (fruit, leaf, flower, stem, rind, root, seeds, sap) belonging to the species.

Discover also the properties and use of Olivo mother tincture

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