The psychosomatic view of headache

When we talk about headache we mean a widespread disorder that affects many people and can be disabling.

There are various forms of headache:

> Migraine : single- sided throbbing headache, which can cause nausea, characterized by discomfort due to light and noise . It is very common among women and can last from a few hours to around 3 days

> Tension headache : headache with moderate compression sensation, which can cause nausea and discomfort due to light and noise. It can last a few hours.

> Cluster headache : it is a unilateral shooting pain that involves the eye area . May cause tearing, rhinorrhea, eyelid edema, sweating of the face, restlessness. It can last for a few hours. It mainly affects male subjects and returns cyclically.

> Chronic headache : can be considered an evolution of migraine, with throbbing headaches. To be defined as chronic, it must occur 15 days a month for more than 3 consecutive months. It is often associated with forms of anxiety.

The head, a computer button

Our head is an extremely complex power station where electrical, energy, transformations, commands, inputs and outputs take place.

It is the seat of the cognitive faculties: thought, imagination, reasoning, correlations, which coexist with perceptions, emotions, states of mind.

Psyche and soma are contained in a rounded cranial case, without corners, without edges, where everything must flow easily, and can potentially rotate up to 180 °.

The head looks to the right, to the left and to the front, it cannot structurally look back: it is projected towards the future, towards what must be faced!

If the work of the head and the space that we give to the rational part is in balance with our rhythms, with the emotional part, with the creative part, everything works in a harmonious balance, but if we penalize our irrational part in favor of a Rational "hypertrophy", the "computer beats" literally and we find ourselves sharing time and space with painful headache episodes.

Headache in psychosomatics

There are various schools of thought regarding the interpretation of the headache and the personalities that manifest the symptoms.

> Subjects too rigid, inflexible, with a great sense of duty, with little tolerance, very ambitious, with a rational brain always on, to verify, calculate, consider pros and cons, plan days, months, years are susceptible to headache attacks. It can be considered a response that occurs when the brain is saturated and asks to stop for a while and give it a rest: close the door, turn off the light and cover your ears, because pain blocks thought.

> There are also people who instead have to bear burdens and responsibilities, with urgent rhythms, but who do not feel they belong to this frenzy and experience it as stress . They yearn for the weekend to switch off and rest ... and the weekend is filled with expectations that unfortunately only give a great headache that magically disappears on Monday morning. In reality, in some people, relaxation that is so much sought after becomes a source of stress, loss of attention, the need to hide away from everyone, even from the family ... and headache can represent an unconscious compromise.

> Other researchers associate the manifestation of the headache with a controlled and repressed aggression, which implodes in the head and becomes a sort of brake, of self-harm to avoid creating external "victims". A sort of "Hulk" that breaks out inside and that in this way holds the monster, which could hide inside each of us, and forces him to stay isolated, in the dark, away from everything.

As always the psychosomatic tells us how our psyche emerges on the body in various forms, with different target organs that provide us with some clues to go in search of the cause and find a viable solution!

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