A schematic representation of the 7 chakras

The Sanskrit term Chakra means "vortex" or "wheel" and indicates the continuous rotation of these energy centers in our subtle bodies. In fact thanks to these vortices there is the transmission of vital energy or prana to the different organs.

They are often depicted with the Lotus flower or real vortices of light.

As far as the human being is concerned, it is customary to distinguish seven energy bodies or auras, or emanations. Chakras are energy systems that connect these emanations with each other and with external reality.

Chakras are points of contact between body and mind.

They form spirals of energy that create the space and connections necessary for the integration of the soma and the psyche

The vitality and health of the physical body, as well as personal evolution, are connected with the degree of harmony and functionality of the chakras.

All the chakras are not always open, but they are more or less disharmonic, that is to say an alternation of open and closed chakras, in harmony with each other.

1st Muladhara Chakra

It is the root of the Chakras. Its name means " base for the Origin ".

Its color is RED

It is located in the pelvic region, at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals (perianal area).

It is a "warehouse" of energy and is the origin of destiny, it governs the nerve plexus of the coccyx and the sacrum.

It is connected to the earth element , it is connected with our survival instincts and our sense of reality.

Practice on this Chakra brings stability.

2nd Svadhistana Chakra

It means " place of the origin of the Self ".

Its color is ORANGE

It is located in the pelvic region, between the genitals and the pubis, at the height of the navel .

It is responsible for sexuality, regulates and governs digestive and intestinal functions and related organs; it is associated with gonads, genitals, kidneys, lower abdomen and circulatory systems.

The practice on this Chakra frees you from emotional blockages.

3rd Manipura Chakra

The third chakra in the Sanskrit language is called Manipura, which means " city ​​of jewels ".

Its color is YELLOW

It is located at the level of the solar plexus and is associated with the liver, pancreas, stomach, spleen, the upper part of the intestine and all the metabolic and vegetative functions, it deals with all the transformations in the body.

From the psycho-energetic point of view its most important function is relative to Karma, to personal affirmation and to the exercise of individual power with respect to the social and the environment in general (it indicates the realization of the person, how much he sees his own workable desire for life, how much he wants and wants to fight for himself, as much as a person loves himself.

The practice on this Chakra facilitates metabolism, digestion, assimilation and elimination ..

4th Anahata Chakra

It means " unknown sound ".

Its color is GREEN

The heart chakra is placed on the sternum, roughly at the height of the horizontal midline of the breasts.

It is the chakra of feelings. This energy center is associated with the heart, the lungs, the thymus, the upper limbs, the circulation and the lymphatic system and the cyclicity, the flow of life.

The pathologies connected to its imbalance are asthma, arterial hypertension, cardiac pathologies, pulmonary pathologies, etc.

Practicing on this Chakra makes love, tenderness and compassion flourish.

5th Vishuddi Chakra

It means " purifying ".

Its color is BLUE

It is located at the gorge .

It is a river of air that always flows, regulates and governs the lungs and the cervical ganglia and the functions related to these organs.

Practicing on this Chakra purifies, revitalizes, gives energy and creativity.

6th Ajna Chakra

It means " power of intelligence ".

Its color is the INDACO

The sixth Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, about two fingers above the root of the nose, between the eyebrows.

It is the third eye.

This chakra is connected to the pituitary gland, to the control of the hormonal system, to the cerebellum.

The practice on this Chakra helps to reason and to analyze.

7th Sahasrara Chakra

It means " circle of ecstasy ". Crown Chacra or Lotus with 1000 petals.

Its color is WHITE

The seventh Chakra is located at the top of the skull, at the top, in the area of ​​the bregma (fontanel ).

It regulates and governs the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system, the tissues, the organs and the rhythms of the whole organism.

Practicing on this Chakra brings peace and contentment

© 2010 Guido Parente. 2010 SIAE. All rights reserved.

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