Tamarind syrup, the recipe

Natural tamarind syrup

The Tamarindus Indica, this is the botanical name of the tamarind, is a special plant of African origin, which can reach up to 30 meters in height; very appreciated and used in Asian and especially Indian cuisine, tamarind fruits are also known in the Caribbean and South America, where they are also grown.

Its fruits are enclosed in pods and, when ripe, have a brown flesh, with a particular taste, harsh and sweet at the same time.

Tamarind is a good natural remedy to fight constipation and protect the digestive system. Perhaps not everyone knows that the pulp of tamarind is one of the ingredients of the famous Worcestershire sauce.

Here is a recipe that will allow you to get a natural tamarind syrup, far from what is commonly bought at the supermarket, full of sugar, which often the grandmothers of the past used to sweeten water or make popsicles.

Recipe for tamarind syrup with fresh fruits

Ingredients for about 4 people

> A portion of clean tamarind fruit pulp, about 700 g;

> three parts of water, then about 2 l.


Put the tamarind fruits in a jug or bowl well cleaned from the pods.

Cover them up to over a finger with water and leave to infuse for a minimum of three hours, until the entire day.

Cover with the same amount of water and, with your hands, begin to soften the fruit and remove the seeds they contain.

Then filter the liquid with the help of a colander, adding a little more water to help the whole pulp come off. Only the seeds and skin will remain in the colander.

The tamarind juice thus obtained is already ready to drink. If a clearer juice is desired, the syrup can be further filtered using a cotton gauze.

Something more about tamarind

Tamarind fruits can be found at ethnic, Indian, African and Chinese shops.

If they are fresh, the peel of the tamarind is crumbly and comes off very easily. Always check that the fruit inside has a beautiful brown color, healthy, turgid and free of mold.

Tamarind seeds are hard, large as an olive, but irregular in shape, shiny and of a beautiful brown color.

There are 2 methods to prepare tamarind syrup in a natural way:

  1. the "cold" method, the one indicated above, which allows to keep precious vitamins and minerals intact;
  2. the fastest "hot" method, which leads to the same result in terms of flavor. For the hot method, bring the peeled fruits to a boil in a pan full of water, then turn off the heat as soon as it boils.

Reading tips:

"The shadow of the tamarind. A journey in southern Morocco" by Ugo Morelli

Also read Tamarindo in herbal medicine >>

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