Natural diuretic supplements, what they are and when to take them

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

Diuretic supplements help increase urine excretion. In certain cases, they are useful in combating disorders that can put the body's well-being at risk. Let's find out better.

Celery among diuretic food supplements

What are diuretics

Diuretics are substances that can increase urine excretion . Generally, any substance or preparation capable of acting on the urinary tract is defined as a diuretic, increasing diuresis.

Excretion is a completely natural physiological process by which the body eliminates useless or toxic substances by expelling them to the outside. This is possible thanks to biochemical organs and mechanisms suitable for performing this function.

These organs, called excretory organs, are: skin, intestine, liver, urinary tract, respiratory system and pancreas. Instead, the products of excretion are urea, ammonia, uric acid and proteins.

Properties of diuretics

Diuretics have the following properties:

  • Urinary flow rate and natriuresis increase (faster sodium excretion rate).
  • They modify the excretion of various ions such as potassium, hydrogen, chlorine, carbonates and uric acid.

The therapeutic use of diuretic supplements is indicated in diseases in which there is an alteration in the volume and / or composition of body fluids such as: mild and moderate hypertension, heart and kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome and cirrhosis .

Also discover symptoms, causes and remedies for urinary retention

Food diuretics

Diuretic foods are those that can help eliminate excess fluids and toxins through urine.

The diuretic effect is usually determined by a very high content of water, potassium, caffeine, vitamin C and B6. In contrast, the foods that cause swelling are those that hold water, such as salt, sodium, sugar and complex carbohydrates.

Here is a list of foods that have very marked diuretic properties.

  • Pineapple : thanks to bromelain it is able to make even complex proteins digestible.
  • Celery : from the purifying action, it consists of 90% of water.
  • Green tea : from the very strong diuretic action.
  • Cucumbers : with purifying and refreshing properties, it is composed of over 95% water.
  • Artichokes : useful for the liver, it promotes bile secretion as well as diuresis.
  • Onion : also useful against urinary tract infections.
  • Asparagus : contains asparagine, useful as a purifier and against water retention.
  • Apple vinegar : used as a condiment, it maintains a good balance of potassium levels
  • Cranberry juice : useful against excess liquids.
  • cleansing.
  • Brussels sprouts: they contain calcium and potassium.
  • Beets : they attack the body's fat deposits.
  • Carrots : with a tonic and purifying action, they contain potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  • Oats : rich in silica which is a natural diuretic.
  • Tomatoes : they contain so much vitamin C.
  • Melon : useful for purifying the body thanks to its water, potassium and sodium content.
  • Lettuce : contains calcium, manganese, iron, chromium, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • Garlic : it is a natural diuretic useful against the disposal of fat.
  • Watermelon : rich in water.
  • Fennel : has a carminative as well as diuretic action.

It is good to avoid foods that contain a lot of salt, fried foods, meat, fatty cheeses, alcohol, sweets and carbonated drinks.

A valid help can come from cooking to steam, which keeps all the characteristics of the food unchanged and allows not to use condiments. A slight diuresis can be obtained from a diet low in sodium chloride.

Phytotherapy herbal supplements

In herbal medicine there are several medicinal plants with marked diuretic properties, among which we mention:

  • Dandelion: the leaves are known to have a diuretic effect, not by chance they are used for draining herbal teas. This plant is also very useful in case of cystitis and urinary tract infections.
  • Nettle: it has diuretic properties that facilitate the elimination of waste.
  • Horsetail: rich in mineral salts promotes diuresis.

Discover also the properties of the pilosella, diuretic plant

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