Feng shui in the bedroom

The Feng Shui, an oriental discipline dating back to about four thousand years ago, aims to create harmony between man and the environment, through orientation, the choice of materials, colors and the careful study of furnishing positions. We see very briefly what it suggests on how and where to place the bedroom - the place where we regenerate and spend a lot of our life (about a third) - to favor a harmonious circulation of khi, the vital energy.

Great importance for Feng Shui covers the position of the bed which should be made of organic materials (wood, wicker, wicker), placed with the headboard facing north, leaning against a wall and in the right corner opposite the entrance. The feet, as in our tradition, should not be facing the front door of the room.

The bed should not have mirrors in front (the mirrors reflect the khi and can cause an overload) and should not receive sunlight directly, as too much energy could disturb sleep and good rest. It must be avoided that the edge of a piece of furniture is pointed towards the bed, as this can generate energy waves that disturb sleep. The bed should not be crossed by the line that connects the door to the window and, if the bed cannot be moved, make sure at least that the door-window line runs through the part of the feet and not the head.

To promote well-being, the khi must be allowed to move freely under the bed, choosing a model with legs. Visible beams or sloping roof beams must be avoided as they hinder the passage of the khi across the room. As for the colors, these should harmonize with the geographical coordinates of the room (each cardinal point corresponds to a color), but in general the shades of blue, indigo are fine.

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