Anthroposophic medicine in Italy

Anthroposophic medicine in Italy

In Italy there are several clinics and therapeutic centers in which anthroposophical doctors belonging to the Italian Society of Anthroposophical Medicine ( SIMA ), an officially recognized medical-scientific society that is part of the FISM, are ISO 9001 certified, have drafted the "Guidelines for a Good Professional Practice in Anthroposophic Medicine ", and applies a four-year training process in agreement with the International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations (IVAA).

In Milan, the Artemedica Center is active, an anthroposophical treatment clinic based on the enhancement of the human entity in which doctors and therapists work closely together. Also in Bologna the Stella Maris Association is active with similar characteristics to the Milanese structure. In Piedmont, ten or so physicians practice freelance anthroposophic medicine.

Information on anthroposophic medicines

As we have said, anthroposophical doctors give their patients specific anthroposophic medicines. The current legislation on the drug has been further modified by the recent transposition of the European Directive 2001/83 / EC and it is not easy to maintain all those medicinal preparations that are essential therapeutic tools of anthroposophic medicine.

The restrictive rules have a 50% reduction on the reduction of the therapeutic handbook of anthroposophical doctors is imminent, with serious harm to the patients. Like other "laternative" medicines, anthroposophic medicine is also hanging from the absence of a specific law for non-conventional medicines.

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