What is Cromopuncture

Chromopuncture, conceived in Germany by Peter Mandel in the early 1970s, has today a vast clinical case history and can boast important therapeutic successes and numerous academic awards. The idea that in the form of light, and in particular of colors, it is possible to convey, through the meridians of acupuncture, not so much energy as rather information, has today found a valid scientific foundation in the biophoton theory of the German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp.

Chromopuncture is a non-invasive technique, through which the operator positions bundles of colored light on the receptor points of the body, the same as acupuncture or shiatsu or reflexotherapy, without going beyond the skin barrier (as happens with needles) . These points are located along the main energy meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine and others discovered by Mandel himself. They are stimulated by the vibrations emitted by the colored light which are of different frequency depending on the radius of the color spectrum used in the treatment. A seemingly simple technique, but which requires in-depth knowledge as you work on very deep energy plans.

Chromopuncture does not cause any kind of physical pain, on the contrary, the treatment is pleasant and relaxing for those who receive it, it turns out to be a very effective therapeutic tool. For these reasons its practice is considered very suitable when one wants to do therapy with children, the elderly and people suffering from serious illnesses, thanks to the fact that it is a gentle technique, non-invasive and free of any toxicity.

Moreover with the Cromopuncture it is possible to act on the chakras for their rebalancing and balancing.

Stimulation of color on the skin causes a direct reaction on the nervous, lymphatic and energy systems. The action of colored light and emitted vibration brings information directly to the higher nerve centers by balancing the central energy system. The color range used in classical chromopuncture belongs to the 7 colors of the iris and chakras, made up of the 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue and the mixture of two of them, thus obtaining the secondary colors hot or cold. The 7 colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue / indigo, purple. Color is a light emission that has a different wavelength depending on its color range.

Often during the chromopuncture treatments the two opposite or complementary colors are used, thus balancing the Yang energies with the Yin energies of the body and restoring the energetic circulation in its descending or ascending paths. For the therapy the pen is used composed by a body for the manual hold, with an internal light and by 7 removable tips in transparent quartz crystal, which emit the color from the base and radiate it to the pyramidal tip so that the entry point of the energy in our body on which the pen is placed, receives the correct information. For the psycho-emotional component of the symptom, instead, the 4 colors of the soul and spirit are used, which are Purple, Light Green, Turquoise and Pink.

Cromopuncture always acts with due consideration to the symptom to which relief is sought and the cause which is the psycho-spiritual background of the manifested symptom. This dual therapeutic activity aims on the one hand to alleviate the symptom but on the other to understand and dissolve the primum movens (backstage, cause) of the symptom that drives the patient to seek help.

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