Israeli cuisine: characteristics and main foods
natural life
Israeli cuisine: characteristics and main foods

Israeli cuisine: characteristics and main foods

The region of the Levant, irreplaceable neuralgic point of the Mediterranean culture, has seen in the millennia to pass on its territory innumerable peoples, ethnic groups, religions: Phoenician, Assyrian, Chaldean, Egyptian, Sumerian, Macedonian, Carthaginian; and then Greeks, Thracians, Romans; and then Jews, Arabs, Ottomans; and still Yazidis, Druze, Baha'is, Muslims, Catholics and, above all, Jews...

The integrated nature of Yoga and the contribution of Tantra

The integrated nature of Yoga and the contribution of Tantra

To understand the integrated systemic nature of the human being in his body-mind, the contribution of the Tantra is extraordinary, with the vision of the body metaphor and at the same time link with the entire universe, the development of practices centered in and on the body as source of union on spiritual planes , where by spiritual we mean incorporeal, not visible to the human eye but equally and strongly present in each of us...

How to recognize organic cosmetics for hair

How to recognize organic cosmetics for hair

To know if a cosmetic product, besides being effective, is really good for the skin, you need to read the label that lists the ingredients of the product . As for hair products, such as shampoos, we will find water or one or more hydrolates in place of water in the first place. Surfactants, active ingredients and preservatives will follow...

The Mantra and the Mind

The Mantra and the Mind

What are mantras Mantras are a precise combination of words and sounds in the form of syllables, words or entire sentences, written in Sanskrit. The word mantra derives from the root 'man' which in Sanskrit means "to think" and the suffix 'tra' derives from 'trai', which means "to protect or free from the bond of samsara , or of the phenomenal world"...

Seed avocado

Seed avocado

Avocado is a plant known by the scientific name of Persea americana belonging to the Lauraceae family. This tree is native to tropical and sub-tropical countries , in particular its cradle is in Central America from Brazil to Mexico from Colombia to Chile. Also in the rest of the world it is successfully cultivated both in Palestine where several new avocado varieties are born and in India and Indonesia...

The uses of pineapple in cosmetics

The uses of pineapple in cosmetics

Pineapple is the multiple fruit of Ananas comosus , a herbaceous plant belonging to the Bromeliaceae family . It is native to Central America and cultivated in all tropical regions for the marketing of the fruit. Pineapple is mainly used for food with significant beneficial properties on the body : it favors digestion, reduces inflammation and is antioxidant...

Lavender plant, cultivation in pots

Lavender plant, cultivation in pots

The lavender plant is a perennial aromatic typical of the Mediterranean area and of the bush along the coasts of the sea. Its scientific botanical name is Lavandula officinalis and many varieties have been selected for both ornamental and production purposes. Its leaves are of a particular silvery gray color and have rich pockets of essential oil located on the upper page of the leaf, a protection from the sun's rays and therefore its exposure to the sun is certainly to be preferred over the shaded locations...

Rhipsalis, the decorative plant that is the enemy of stress

Rhipsalis, the decorative plant that is the enemy of stress

Rhipsalis, the fat plant against stress Bella really is, of effect and so scenic, instinctively she would want to touch it right away to see if it's real or fake. But the Rhipsalis Cassutha - of Rhipsalis there are many other varieties! - it has another great quality: it is the decorative evergreen that is the enemy of stress , says a research by the University of Surrey, in England...

The types of marathons

The types of marathons

Philippides and the myth 490 a. C., Marathon plain, Athens. The homonymous battle between Persians and Athenians is fought. The Athens troops attack the Persian army at a running pace. Herodotus speaks of more than a kilometer and a half of running (most likely they were only 150 meters). After winning, the Athenian army turns back, with a rapid march, covering 34 kilometers...

Save on beauty with natural products

Save on beauty with natural products

When you see in the perfumery all those products like face creams with the latest in science, anti-cellulite gel with miraculous effects, anti-wrinkle ampoules with really improbable prices, one wonders how it is still possible, especially during economically uncertain periods, that people do not simply rely on nature and the fantastic cosmetics that often give us at a significantly lower cost ...

The therapeutic power of cats

The therapeutic power of cats

The term gattotherapy refers to the therapeutic power that animals, especially cats, can exercise over people. In fact, it is undoubted that the proximity to a pet brings benefits not only to the psyche but also to the body. Let's find out how. How cats care for us There are those who talk about a real cat therapy , in the wide range of pet therapies , as the powers that cats have on our well-being act directly on the level of body and mind...

John Trudell, the voice of American Indians

John Trudell, the voice of American Indians

Many people overseas mourn her death, in Italy she was mildly remembered. Died last December 8, there are those who have called John Trudell a "prophet of our times" (cit. Paul Richards), but also those who have seen him as an eloquent and dangerous man. Trudell's Indian heart Loved by songwriters such as Bob Dylan, John Trudell was born in 1946 and grew up on the Santee Indian reservation, on the border with South Dakota; his father was Indian Santee, while his mother was of Indian origin from Mexico...

How to read blood tests

How to read blood tests

We should imagine the blood as a fantastic "fluid kingdom" , where each component has its own "ecological niche" and a precise function: red blood cells carry oxygen, micro-cells clean platelets work like tireless workers ... Today we give you some brief information and guidance on how to read blood tests ...

Coconut oil and turmeric for teeth

Coconut oil and turmeric for teeth

Coconut oil and turmeric for healthy teeth Making a toothpaste at home is very simple, and the variations are many. Having the certainty of what you put in your mouth helps to maintain additional control over your overall well-being. To make a really effective natural toothpaste for your teeth health you need to choose the ingredients carefully...

The cold wave.  Two allies: breathing and meditation

The cold wave. Two allies: breathing and meditation

Meditation in the morning Warming up, in the extended sense of going towards the Yang, is also defining the intention . Nothing better than winter to do it. The darkness that descends early, the dawn that appears together with the biting cold, and us half-lotus, complete lotus or in the Taoist meditation position (seated on the knees, a sole of the foot receives the back of the other, crossed, according to an excellent intersection system for the nervous system and meridian crossroads)...

Food in integral yoga

Food in integral yoga

As defined, integral yoga , or purna yoga , does not reject any aspect of life, but rather seeks a perfection both individually and collectively to be offered internally in the context of an ascending evolution that manifests itself both in spirit and in life, in the mind and in the material reality itself...

Natural remedies against skin blemishes

Natural remedies against skin blemishes

Vitiligo, dark spots , moles, patches of coffee, freckles, pityriasis: the types of spots that can appear on our skin are really many and of different origins. There are also many causes of skin blemish formation. Why do stains form on the skin? The most common and frequent causes are damage caused by too much or incorrect exposure to sunlight or sun lamps ...

Car sharing: how it works in big cities

Car sharing: how it works in big cities

Car sharing is growing: few Italians do not like the shared car Car sharing figures in Italy are growing. According to Ansa, which reports the data released by ANIASA (Confindustria's National Car Rental and Automotive Industry Association), many Italians like to share a car in the city , especially men in their forties who live in the metropolis...

What is Taoism

What is Taoism

Taoism , Tao, Yin & Yang are all terms that indicate the " Great Principle" creator and governor of the Universe and its relations. We are talking about a philosophy of ancient origins that observes nature, respect for its laws and its cycles . It is a syncretistic culture, which integrates multiple traditions, retains the best parts for continuous growth, a complementary enrichment of shamanism, metaphysics , esotericism, religiosity ...

Winter sports in the city

Winter sports in the city

Night running These days it may not be a bad idea to go back to racing in the city, even if the climate tends towards very low temperatures. If well covered, however, the race is really ideal, even in an urban version: the city lends itself to running as a game, as an obstacle strategy and the possibility of defining fun routes in relation to one's level of training...

Wami: the bottle to give drinking water

Wami: the bottle to give drinking water

Wami: from the Alps, drinking water reaches Africa A bottle of water is born from the Italian Alps that brings drinking water to those who do not have it. Seeing it, nothing different appears compared to the normal plastic bottles filled with the precious transparent liquid sold at the supermarket. But knowing it better one discovers that there is still more: with each bottle of Wami water, you give 100 liters of drinking water to those who need it, in the form of water development projects...

Advice against purchases

Advice against purchases

"I don't have and I don't want a mobile phone and I don't have an e-mail box, " writes Cinzia Picchioni , author of the book " Advice against purchases. Consume less and live better with voluntary simplicity ” . Not only does it not have a mobile phone, it does not even connect to the internet, at least not from home and only in cases of real need. ...

The esoteric origins of the carnival

The esoteric origins of the carnival

The Carnival, as we know and celebrate it now, is an incredible mix of ancient beliefs and symbols that are lost in the mists of time. It is not only a period of joy and light-heartedness, anthropologically speaking, Carnival has played a very profound and significant ritual task in various periods and in various peoples...

Hemorrhoids?  Try the aloe vera gel

Hemorrhoids? Try the aloe vera gel

The Aloe vera gel , thanks to its soothing and anti-inflammatory action , helps to remove the problems related to hemorrhoids . Let's see how to use it. What are hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are anatomical structures normally present in the anal canal, made up of vascular and connective tissue. Due to age and due to excessive strain due to constipation or diarrhea, the connective tissue that anchors the hemorrhoids to the surrounding tissues can become lax and cause the mucous membrane to slide and the hemorrhoids to enlarge: in this case we talk about the disease hemorrhoidal or more commonly o...

Aloe vera, a plant with a thousand properties

Aloe vera, a plant with a thousand properties

According to one of the most established American nutritionists, Dr. Bruce Hedendal , of the Hedendal Chiropratic and Nutrition Center, the key to the power of Aloe vera consists of its rich content of a class of long chain sugars known as MUCOPOLISACCARIDES (MPS) . He believes that MPS is fundamental for the body like bricks for a home...

Natural emulsifiers: what they are and how they are chosen

Natural emulsifiers: what they are and how they are chosen

Emulsifiers are indispensable ingredients for preparing many cosmetics, including body and face creams. Let's see what the natural emulsifiers are and how they are chosen. What are emulsifiers and what are they used for Many cosmetics we buy are emulsions, from face cream to cleansing milk, from body cream to sun protection...

The benefits of Tai Chi

The benefits of Tai Chi

Tai chi is an ancient martial art originating from China and practiced all over the world more for its psychophysical benefits able to bring to those who practice it more consistently than for its martial aspect in the strict sense. Unlike all other martial arts, in fact, it is a gentle , gentle practice that helps to develop balance and flexibility, and to maintain strength and resistance for a long time...

3 last minute gift ideas for Mother's Day

3 last minute gift ideas for Mother's Day

Are you late for Mother's Day ? Here are 3 DIY last minute gift ideas , to be made with what you have at home. Perfumed bath salts A last minute gift idea to be made in just a few minutes and with only three ingredients: to prepare the bath salts, it is sufficient to add coarse salt, a food coloring and an essential oil, all ingredients that can be easily purchased even at the last minute if not you had them in the pantry...

Waste of water, 6 ways to avoid it

Waste of water, 6 ways to avoid it

Often we are attentive to the waste of electricity, but we do not pay too much attention to water. Yet water is a very valuable asset and we should take better care of it. Simple tricks are enough to greatly reduce waste . Let's see six ways to avoid wasting water, in the bathroom and in the rest of the house...

10 places where it is never winter

10 places where it is never winter

There, where winter never comes Letting ourselves be inspired by various classifications, in particular by the current editions published by the historic International Living magazine, here is the list of places to escape to avoid the arrival of winter. There are several climatic havens in the world , in reltà many more than a dozen, where the sun shines at least 340 days a year and where it is difficult for the thermometer to fall below 10 degrees....

How to grow licorice at home

How to grow licorice at home

If it seems so impossible, in reality it is not: cultivating the licorice plant is simpler than it may seem. All you need is a garden or a balcony and a little bit of earth! Licorice is in fact one of those rustic plants , or rather it presents a certain resistance in the face of low temperatures and in the face of unfavorable conditions for other types of plants, which grows in southern countries, such as the south of Italy, Iran, Turkey, in clay and limestone soils...

Turin: towards a vegetarian and vegan city

Turin: towards a vegetarian and vegan city

Along the lines of Barcelona's vegan-friendly city, T orino becomes the first Italian vegetarian and vegan city . What are we talking about? The new municipal council has decided to bet on this food trend and to devote greater care to food and to the dissemination of more complete food information...

The 9 most relaxing destinations in the world

The 9 most relaxing destinations in the world

Now the holidays are upon us and, paradoxically, the last weeks of study or work are proving to be the hardest: we know that it lacks little, yet the days seem to multiply and the fatigue of the whole year seems to be toppling all over together. Just to lighten these remaining operational drips, we offer you a journey through the most relaxing places in the world ...

Sesame oil, 3 do-it-yourself beauty treatments

Sesame oil, 3 do-it-yourself beauty treatments

Samoam oil is obtained by cold pressing of the unroasted seeds of Sesamum indicum L., a herbaceous plant native to India. Sesame oil is widely used in Asian cuisine and, as well as for culinary use, is also used in cosmetics for its interesting properties: it is in fact an oil rich in antioxidant substances and emollient and regenerating action ...

Health literacy, what it is and why it is important

Health literacy, what it is and why it is important

The term health literacy is the Italian translation of English health literacy and indicates the ability of a citizen to obtain, process and understand basic health information, in order to make informed choices there. The term was introduced in the US in the 1970s and, in 1988, the World Health Organization included it in the Glossary of health promotion...

The measure of energy expenditure with the metabolic holter

The measure of energy expenditure with the metabolic holter

One of the main modifiable factors on which we can act to promote our well-being is motor activity . If many people could talk about the sofa, they would certainly ask for a little respite, given that the shape of the owner's butt is still there to witness his sedentary lifestyle . How many times do we nutritionists hear from our patients that they are forced to stay on a diet because they get fat just by breathing air, or do not lose a breath, despite the gym and physical activity...

Symbology of the goddess Durga

Symbology of the goddess Durga

In the panorama of the innumerable Indian divinities there are some that express the feminine polarity of the universe , often called "mothers" in the Hindu tradition ( matrika ) but representing not only the maternal aspect: they often include that of daughter, that of lover, that of an old woman...

Pet therapy for neuromotor disabled

Pet therapy for neuromotor disabled

In a specific therapy aimed at the neuromotor disabled, the animals help the patient relax the muscles, allowing a greater relational opening with the operator, offering a tactile comfort to people who have no other skilful senses, know how to relate without any prejudice and know how to put in place appropriate attitudes depending on the patient with whom they interact...

Meditation, a memory aid

Meditation, a memory aid

Schools have restarted, lessons at the university and work rhythms have started to beat again with the usual vigor: summer indolence has been swept away by the first autumn winds and we have all returned to our usual efficiency. We might think that the right time has come to carve out some time for ourselves so that daily stress does not begin to devour us from within, making us, among other things, less efficient in our activities...

Summer sports: training in the mountains

Summer sports: training in the mountains

Mountain sports are a great way to get in touch with nature but, above all, with yourself. From Nord Walking to Rafting , through climbing and downhill , there are also mountain activities to train the mind , such as trekking yoga and meditation. Find out which sport is right for you. Nordic walking and climbing Practicing Nordic Walking means walking with special poles, practicing the pace according to the right technique and then going to work in depth even on postural vices...

Natural cosmetics for the winter

Natural cosmetics for the winter

The dangers of winter Oh no, winter is not over yet! Rain, humidity, cold wind, snow and ice. There are many small traumas that the physicist can suffer due to these factors. If we also add air pollution, then things get even more complicated. How to remedy this? Through natural cosmetics for skin, hair, hands and feet...