Sleep apnea, causes and remedies

Sleep apnea is defined as a real syndrome and is characterized by a respiratory rhythm alternating with pauses or slowdowns.

In many cases the respiratory resumption is accompanied by phenomena of sonorous discomfort ( snoring ), with rales that often awaken the subject who is affected by it, since the apnea causes the re-emergence from deep sleep to the lighter one .

The result is a poor quality of sleep, little restorative, a cause of daytime fatigue, possible morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, poor memory.

The diagnosis of sleep apnea

Generally those who suffer from sleep apnea syndrome are not aware of it and do not intervene promptly, leaving the problem to become chronic. It is easier than if he notices who sleeps beside him who is also affected indirectly by the disorder.

It is good to consult the doctor and check the degree of chronic sleep apnea with in-depth examinations, as they could lead to serious problems with the cardiorespiratory system .

Polysomnography is an effective tool to investigate problems related to sleep and its dysfunctions, in order to frame the cause and be able to intervene with effective and non-palliative care.

This is an examination necessarily performed in a clinic specializing in sleep diseases, in which the patient is monitored during sleep with sensors placed on the head, chest, face and limbs, through which the phases of sleep are recorded, its alterations, variation times and many other useful parameters to draw a clinical picture.

The causes of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can be of obstructive origin : the supine airways lose tone and relax, shrink and slow down the flow of air with consequent latency of breath for a few seconds and snoring. It often happens to overweight people who, both in the supine and on the side, undergo compression of the upper airways.

The apneas can trigger a vicious circle, because if prolonged and repeated they can cause a decrease in oxygen in the blood such that our brain receives inputs to contract the neck muscles to promote airway tone. Sleep becomes light and effort increases the volume of snoring.

Some pathologies of hormonal origin such as hypothyroidism, alcohol abuse, smoking and fatty foods, and stress can be associated with sleep apnea. It is therefore recommended to investigate the origin of the problem and solve it in the best possible way.

Natural remedies for sleep apnea

Excluding the most serious cases for which it is sometimes necessary to resort to surgical interventions or mechanical ventilation through a mask to wear at night, we can foresee some rules of food and behavioral hygiene, such as a lighter and low fat diet, the progressive reduction of alcohol, coffee and smoke up to, in some cases, total elimination.

It is very useful in the evening to try some fumigations with balsamic essential oils such as mountain pine, eucalyptus, cajeput : a few drops, 1 or 2 per type in boiling water to inhale to dilate the airways, or to mix with a balm spread on the chest to enjoy the beneficial effluvia for most of the night.

It is also advisable to sleep with a few extra cushions in order to support the head, neck and dorsal portion to help maintain the muscle tone of the traits involved in breathing.

Night apnea: here are other remedies

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