The measure of energy expenditure with the metabolic holter

One of the main modifiable factors on which we can act to promote our well-being is motor activity . If many people could talk about the sofa, they would certainly ask for a little respite, given that the shape of the owner's butt is still there to witness his sedentary lifestyle . How many times do we nutritionists hear from our patients that they are forced to stay on a diet because they get fat just by breathing air, or do not lose a breath, despite the gym and physical activity? Certainly, their lifestyle, their dietary habits, sleep, daily activities, various motor activities must be evaluated before they can arrive at wrong conclusions.

Today, with a simple test the "motor-metabolic holter " can measure the lifestyle, how active or inactive we are, how many calories we consume, what are our sleep habits, keeping everything under periodic control with an OBJECTIVE quantification, REAL of how we live and how we can change all this to live better, fit and healthy.

Scientific studies have long confirmed that physical activity influences the energy balance, the body balance between lean mass and fat mass and the state of health, but it also tells us that physical activity must be "dosed", appropriately calibrated, to avoid possible excesses. In Europe, two-thirds of the adult population does not reach the recommended levels of physical activity. The main reasons seem to be: lack of time and interest; feeling of inadequacy; logistical difficulties to use sports facilities; poor security of public places where physical activity could be practiced; feeling of exhaustion to the point of preferring to dedicate leisure time to rest; incorrect sense of sufficient activity (without actually being).

The end result of this complex situation is that physical inactivity causes mortality, obesity and chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, tumors, etc.). Physical activity for health is that of moderate intensity that accelerates the heartbeat and increases the resting metabolism 3 to 6 times (3-6 metabolic equivalents or METs *). Therefore it is important to evaluate this component within the overall lifestyle of the subject under consideration. Thanks to the sensors present on the metabolic holter, the analysis of calorie consumption, motor profile and lifestyle goes beyond the criterion of subjectivity to become a new opportunity for evaluation, monitoring and verification.

The measure of the total daily energy expenditure, in many cases, can be useful to give an objective awareness of how much we consume, compared to how many calories we ingest (eating and drinking) every day. This precious instrument, of small dimensions and which weighs very little, used in medical and sports centers, research centers, is worn in all serenity under clothes and is held for an average of 3 days (up to 15 days). The data is then read by a software and can be printed and archived. For the correct procedure of use, interpretation, in order to avoid gross errors, it is advisable to turn to expert nutritionists who translate the information of the holter into nutritional and lifestyle advice aimed at the individual case.

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