Urticaria: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Urticaria is a dermatosis characterized by wheals that give intense itching and can occur on the whole body. Let's find out better.

Urticaria symptoms

Urticaria is a dermatosis that is characterized by the appearance of typical wheals on the skin that give intense itching and can occur on the whole body or only in localized areas. The name is due to the similarity that the rashes have with respect to the irritations produced by the nettle.

When it does not extend to the whole body, the hives prefer the trunk, the thighs, the arms, the legs. An acute attack of hives may also be accompanied by fever, general malaise, extreme tiredness, nausea, loss of appetite.

Rare is the urticaria pigmentosa that manifests itself with persistent brownish patches.


Often hives binds to a form of allergy . It can in fact be an expression of hypersensitivity to foods such as crustaceans, seafood, fish, pork, eggs, vegetables, strawberries or other fruit.

Urticaria can also be linked to mechanical, atmospheric, intense efforts and strong emotions . It is necessary to identify and remove the food when anaphylactic sensitization to a certain food is involved.


The diagnosis for urticaria goes through an accurate medical history that will also take note of dietary changes or taking of drugs. Subsequently we pass to the examination of the cutaneous lesions and of the eventual other symptoms.

In cases in which the urticaria manifests itself in a more serious manner, tests can be performed both on the skin and on the blood, especially if an allergic reaction is suspected, and above all to exclude other causes, such as vasculitis, infections, intestinal parasites, malfunctioning. of the immune system, etc.


Feeding in case of hives

To prevent urticaria it is good to understand if among the various causes there may be allergies or intolerances to certain foods. The most frequently attributed foods are: milk and dairy products, meat, eggs, nuts, beans and fish. Food additives are an important factor in many cases of chronic urticaria in children: dyes (nitrogenous dyes), flavoring (salicylates, aspartame), preservatives (benzoates, nitrites, sorbic acid), antioxidants (hydroxytoluene, sulfite, gallate) and emulsifiers / stabilizers (polysorbates) can produce urticaria in sensitive individuals.

We recommend foods such as lettuce (slightly hypnotic and calming), steamed vegetables, miso soup, fish, rice that brings harmony between mind and emotions.

Phytotherapy for hives

The aloe vera gel is formidable, if applied to the affected area. Aloe vera contains more than 100 potent compounds that relieve itching and increase healing speed.

Even burdock-based infusions are excellent for purification, but first of all it must be verified that there is no food allergy to the foods most suspected in case of hives.

The turmeric is excellent: it stimulates the anti-inflammatory corticosteroid defenses. It is a very effective natural antihistamine and an antioxidant for hives and a variety of inflammatory skin diseases. Protects the liver against toxins.

Bach flowers

In general, it takes Bach flowers to strengthen and enhance emotion and stress management. Walnut is excellent for balancing hypersensitivity and protecting the body from external irritation factors. Also Beech, because it gives necessary tolerance.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to the energy of traditional Chinese medicine, urticaria is closely related to excess heat or fire. Redness is combined with greater or lesser presence of "wind" (itch). Along with cases related to excess heat (much redness), there may be cases in which a "blood void" of the liver occurs (absence or poor redness). Other factors may be a deficit of ancestral renal energy (small children).

Excess heat is corrected by eliminating foods that increase heat: hot and spicy spices, alcohol, coffee, red meat and introducing fish, seaweed, more cereals and raw vegetables, less protein ; a period without animal food is advisable.

Essential oils for hives

Essential oils of lemon balm, lavender and chamomile are your allies. Sandalwood essential oil is also very suitable.


In treating hives, the homeopath will have to check how long the urticaria actually lasts, from the allergic or non-allergic nature, from the degree of diffusion (mild, moderate or severe), from the use of current and past drugs (antihistamines or cortisone ). Among the most common remedies in case of hives: Apis mellifica, Urtica urens, Ledum palustre, Histaminum 12 CH, Arsenicum album.


Observe if the urticaria is linked to a remarkable emotional stress. In that case it is very useful to dance or engage in energy practices like Qi Gong.

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