Gemmoderivati, regenerate thanks to the most fragile parts of the plants

Gemmoderivati: what they are

The gemmoderivati ​​are the remedies used by gemmotherapy, not to be confused with crystallotherapy, which is an alternative medicine born in the 50s, inspired by the principles of homeopathy and the daughter of classical herbal medicine. Fruit of the research of the Belgian doctor Pol Henry, it is based on the intuition that the meristematic tissues of plants (embryonic tissues in the process of growth) contain active principles different from the rest of the parts of the adult plant, both from the qualitative and quantitative point of view.

While classical herbal medicine uses already formed flowers, leaves, roots and barks, gemmotherapy prepares remedies starting from freshly collected embryonic tissues, from different trees and shrubs (the emerging buds and buds ), but also from the reproductive parts ( seeds and catkins ) and young tissues ( the roots and bark of the roots ). In two cases, the remedies are also obtained from the sap .

Gemmoderivati: how to prepare them

For the preparation of the buds, wild plants would be needed, but since this is practically impossible, they are cultivated according to strict biological criteria, synthetic chemical and pesticide fertilizations are avoided, which alter their biological characteristics, and finally individuals are chosen who at the time of collection are chosen. totally healthy. The balsamic time (or harvest time) varies depending on the species of the plant and the part to be harvested. For the parts (drugs) underground, such as roots, root bark or rhizomes, the most suitable period goes from autumn to winter, that is when the nutrients and vital substances are stored in these parts. For buds and young aerial parts, internal barks and stems, the harvest time is spring .

According to the French pharmacopoeia that regulates this type of preparation, the fresh parts thus collected must be crushed and macerated for 21 days in alcohol (45 ° -65 °) and glycerin (often more natural than alcohol which does not deteriorate these elements so tender and delicate). This is why the bud derivatives are also known as glyceric macerates or glycerine macerates . At the end of the maceration period, decantation, pressing of the solid residue and filtration are performed.

All gemmoterapics are diluted to 1 DH (first decimal by Samuel Hahnemann) which is obtained by diluting one part of the macerate obtained after filtration and 9 parts of preservative solution. These preparations are then dynamized according to the criteria of classical homeopathy; and in fact serve as a starting point for plant-based homeopathic remedies.

Gemmoderivati: what they cure

Gemmotherapics are not energy bearers, but body stimulators, which guide our body towards the path of health. Gemmotherapy lends itself to homeopathic drainage which consists in supporting and helping the body during the detoxification phase from the countless toxins that accumulate in the body. Heavy metals contained in drinking water, in the air we breathe or from tooth fillings; insecticides, herbicides, preservatives, emulsifiers and dyes that we take through food, residues of drugs that continue to circulate in the blood after their suspension, chemical and toxic substances with which we can come into contact for any reason, poison our body and for this is why we use gemmoderivati.

The fundamental characteristic of gemmotherapy is precisely that of exercising at an energetic level, a mainly detoxifying action and of preparing the soil of each organ for possible subsequent interventions, of a homeopathic or phytotherapeutic type. In fact, since the toxins accumulate in any part of the body, the bud-derived substances do not only act on the classical excretory organs (liver, kidneys, skin, intestines, lungs), but extend it to all organs, according to the specific action of the remedy.

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