Jacaranda, Australian flower remedy

Curated by Daniela Galbiati, naturopath

Jacaranda is an Australian flower remedy derived from Jacaranda mimosaefolia . Useful for improving concentration and mental speed, it also helps for disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux and hiatal hernia . Let's find out better.

Description of the plant

Jacaranda mimosaefolia - native to Brazil and the West Indies, the Jacaranda has beautiful flowers and delicate leaves similar to ferns.

Widespread on the eastern coast of Australia, it reaches 30 meters in height, with blue lavender bell-shaped flowers, 20 cm long and gathered in bunches, which form a mauve-colored carpet when they fall. The light green leaves are formed by about 16 pairs of leaflets, in turn divided into another 20 pairs.

A curiosity: the Jacaranda grows in abundance in the area of ​​the city of Gafton, in New South Wales, which hosts the Jacaranda Festival . The area is considered by the aborigines unsuitable to be inhabited, due to the too-dispersed energy, the imbalance on which the essence itself acts.


I make decisions quickly and easily. Now I am lucid and quick in thought.

Properties of Jacaranda

  • It gives decision, direction, concentration, clarity and mental speed, encouraging determination and determination in completing projects without distraction or dispersion of energy.
  • Useful in case of over-excitement due to difficulty in concentration, choice and organization that leads to stress, nervous tension, fatigue.
  • The dispersion of energy is also found at the physical level in disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux or hiatal hernia, where gastric juices flow from the stomach to the esophagus creating discomfort, as if the acid did not know where to go. Jacaranda is generally useful in all gastric disorders due to continuous nervous tension.

Jacaranda is contained in the Concentration and Stress Stop Compounds. In the LOVE SYSTEM range it is in Stress Stop body and environment spray, Cream Stress Stop, smoothing eye effect face gel Calm and Clear

You can learn more about all the disorders and natural remedies for gastric disorders

Preparation and use

In a 30 ml bottle combine naturale natural water and ¼ brandy for storing the product; add 7 drops for each chosen flower. This personal mixture is taken 7 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, upon awakening and before sleeping.

The drops can also be applied locally as well, combined with neutral cream as a carrier, in the bath water or vaporized in the environment to create a harmonious place. They can also be prepared without brandy making sure they do not degrade (if necessary, the preparation is repeated). They can be diluted in a little water or herbal teas, even for children.

Unlike Black Eyed Susan, who is full of energy and focuses on completing things, even if more than one at the same time, the Jacaranda typology starts many things but lacks concentration and the projects almost always remain unfinished.

Unlike Sundew and Red Lily with concentration difficulties because they are distracted and immersed in their world, Jacaranda lacks concentration and attention due to superficiality, dispersion and haste.

Together with Crowea for gastric disorders due to nervous tension

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