Cocoa: description, properties, benefits

Cocoa, heart and brain ally, is a food rich in proteins, vitamin B and serotonin, with an antioxidant and anti-depressant action. Let's find out better.

What is cocoa

Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao ) is a plant belonging to the Sterculiace family. Cocoa was imported into Europe from America by Christopher Columbus.

Cocoa is obtained from the seeds of the fruits of the cocoa plant through the process of fermentation, roasting or grinding .

Properties and benefits of cocoa

Cocoa contains proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, various mineral salts and vitamins from the B group. It also contains serotonin, tyramine, caffeine, theobromine and phenylethylamine.

Cocoa antioxidants help fight the action of free radicals, while theobromine and caffeine help maintain concentration . Serotonin and tyramine are useful against depression and anxiety disorders .

To fully benefit from the properties of cocoa it is necessary to consume the bitter, as an ingredient in various recipes, or good quality dark chocolate .

Cocoa is very energetic, so don't overdo it with consumption. Its characteristics make it a particularly recommended food for athletes and teenagers. It should not, however, be offered to children from zero to three years due to the risk of allergies; for the same reason it is not recommended for breastfeeding women .

The caffeine in cocoa may increase nervousness and insomnia in predisposed people. Cupuaçu, on the other hand, a close relative of cocoa, contains teacrina but not caffeine and theobromine.

Chocolate and cocoa are contraindicated in those suffering from hiatal hernia.

Cocoa, ally of

Brain, mood, heart .

Cocoa is one of the food supplements for the treatment of anxiety: discover the others

A recipe up your sleeve

Cocoa and coconut cake .

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 200 grams of coconut flour, 50 grams of bitter cocoa, 50 grams of vegetable margarine, 5 tablespoons of milk, 120 grams of whole cane sugar, three tablespoons of frumina, a sachet of cream of tartar with baking soda.

Procedure: with the electric mixer, whip the egg yolks, softened margarine and sugar. Add coconut, cocoa and milk. Finally the egg whites whipped and then the cream of tartar. Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Cacao curiosity

Maya and Aztecs believed that cocoa was the food of the gods and for this reason they offered it to the gods. When Christopher Columbus arrived in America he was very impressed by the value that the natives gave to this product and it was above all for this reason that he decided to take it with him to Europe.

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