Calories of cauliflower

Calories of cauliflower

The calories in cauliflower are 40 kcal / 167 kj per 100 g.

Nutritional values ​​of cauliflower

Cauliflowers are vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins, with an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

In 100 g of product we find:

  • Water 84.20g
  • Carbohydrates available 4.40g
  • Sugar 3.90g
  • Protein 5.30g
  • Fats 0, 30g
  • Cholesterol 0g
  • Total fiber 2.40g
  • Vitamin A 60µg
  • Vitamin C 28mg

Beneficial properties

Cauliflowers are allied foods of the cardiovascular system because they help regulate the heartbeat and keep blood pressure under control

Useful in controlling blood sugar, they are a suitable food even in case of diabetes . In addition, cauliflowers stimulate the functioning of the thyroid and are a real cure for those suffering from ulcerative colitis.

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