Cervical inflamed, remedies for winter

Women suffer most from inflamed cervical disease . Pain and discomfort vary from person to person and tend to worsen with the onset of cold.

If the inflammation is not treated well it tends to recur and become chronic. Preventing inflammation of the cervical and resorting to adequate remedies, when this is already present, is very important.

Cervical inflamed, what to do

The first remedy to fight inflammation of the cervical is prevention . Some risk factors, such as advancing age, cannot be avoided, but there are others on which we can instead intervene, following some simple and effective indications, which are above all a question of correct lifestyle. and healthy :

> Playing sports. Sport, or at least an active lifestyle that involves a certain amount of movement every day, helps strengthen and keep the muscles and joints of the neck tonic . In particular , stretching and muscle strengthening exercises are useful.

> Reduce stress. Stress, as we know, can cause excessive muscle tension that is not good for the health of the neck. Therefore, as far as possible, we should try to limit the situations that cause stress and anxiety.

> Pay attention to your posture. Maintaining proper posture helps keep cervical problems away . This is particularly important for those people who are forced to work or sit for a long time, always in the same position.

Incorrect posture causes muscular tension and excessive loads on the neck joints. The right posture is essential even while sleeping, so you should always use a suitable pillow.

Cervical inflamed in winter

The cold can cause an involuntary tightening of the cervical muscles and, in winter, cervicalgia and inflammation of the cervical tend to be more frequent and annoying. What must be done to prevent and fight inflammation of the cervical spine during the coldest months? The most effective remedies are also the simplest :

> Protect the neck with scarves and scarves.

> Make hot showers often or use hydromassage.

> Use thermal bands or merino wool rest cushions.

However, the advice given in the previous paragraph, which helps both for preventive purposes and for therapeutic purposes, should remain valid and should be followed throughout the year.

Even decontracting massages, performed by expert personnel, can be very useful in alleviating symptoms, in any season.

Of course, especially in the case of major or persistent discomfort, it is always essential to contact your doctor. Do-it-yourself therapies should be avoided absolutely .

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