Sinusitis, homeopathic natural remedies

By Dr. Francesco Candeloro

Sinusitis is an inflammation / infection of the nasal and paranasal sinuses which is generally accompanied by a headache . Let's find homeopathic remedies to cure it.

Causes and symptoms of sinusitis

It can happen that common cooling states, which are traditionally called "colds", in some cases last for a long time, and the germs responsible for their manifestations end up colonizing the nasal and paranasal sinuses, infecting them. The appearance of an inflammation / infection of the nasal and paranasal sinuses is generally associated with a typical form of headache, which is accentuated when the areas of the face immediately near the nose and some areas of the forehead are compressed.

Another characteristic symptom of inflammation of the neighboring structures of the nose is the sensation of mucus which, from the nasal passages, descends into the throat, particularly during night rest. Precisely because of what has just been said, therefore, in recent years the concept of sinusitis has been replaced by that of rino-sinusitis, ie an inflammatory process that involves both the nose (rhinitis) and one or more of the eight sinuses or paranasal cavities (sinusitis) .

The paranasal sinuses are four pairs of small cavities full of air, which form part of the skull, and communicate with the nose through an orifice called ostio. Their functions are varied: they increase, for example, the perception of odors, lighten the skull and regulate the tone of the voice, just to mention the most important.

The clinical presentation of nasal and paranasal sinus infection can be acute, or it can become chronic . In the first case the symptoms of rhinorrhea (mucous secretion from the nose, sometimes even purulent), headache and fever resolve within a few days. Chronic forms, on the other hand, are sustained by unfavorable environmental situations, allergic problems, or even by reflux of gastric acid, and are characterized by the same symptoms as acute but more blurred and recurrent forms; moreover in these forms the rhinorrhea prevails a feeling of nasal obstruction and frequent retro-nasal discharge.

Some forms of sinusitis are of odontogenic origin, that is, they are the result of the transmission of chronic infections (abscesses) of the roots of the upper molars, and they are recognized, essentially, to be monolateral.

Traditional treatments, both acute and chronic, more or less always use the same drugs: oral antibiotics when the secretion becomes dense and / or purulent, physiological solutions or nasal decongestant sprays, antihistamine therapy in allergic forms, doubling doses of antacid drugs in situations caused by gastric reflux; finally cortisone therapy in the most stubborn and difficult to treat forms . It is not uncommon in the latter, however, to resort to surgical therapy to form real pockets of purulent material, to restore the normal flow of air in the cavities.

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Homeopathic remedies for sinusitis

Even for sinusitis, homeopathic remedies are different depending on whether the disease arises acutely or has a tendency to recur frequently or even persist, despite traditional treatments.

In acute forms it will be important, first of all, to verify the triggering condition, often environmental, that will have favored the origin of the disorders: exposure to dry and sudden cold (Aconitum), to air currents or air conditioning (Silicea), to wind ( Nux vomica ), humidity (Dulcamara).

In the absence of an objective situation favoring the onset of disorders, the appearance of the secretions will be very important : liquid and transparent (Sulfur, Allium Cepa, Sulfur iodatum ), with a prevalence of obturation and low secretion ( Natrum Muriaticum and Nux Vomica ), mucous and purulent secretions ( Hepar Sulfur and Pulsatilla ), of greenish color ( Thuja and Natrum Sulfuricum ) or dark brown ( Kali sulfuricum ); dense and which tend to spread in the throat ( Kali Bicrhomicum ).

The chronic forms, then, will be those that will benefit even more from the homeopathic intervention. In fact, the drugs traditionally used in these cases, in the long run cause unpleasant side effects, and they themselves promote recurrences, because they do not change the body's susceptibility and its inability to fully defend itself, and even end up making these situations worse.

Through an analysis extended to the whole organism, instead, starting from its physical constitution, it is possible to intervene with remedies capable of restoring adequate defensive and reparative capacities over time, which also involve functions, such as digestive-assimilation, or purification., only apparently unrelated to the respiratory ones, but, due to the holistic view of homeopathy, they are essential, in their proper functioning, to maintain optimal immune surveillance functions which, only in this way, will reduce the susceptibility of the person to the different episodes inflammatory, in turn associated with the most varied environmental and climatic conditions.

Discover also the herbal remedies for sinusitis

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