Natural remedies for cramps

The natural remedies for cramps are those generally provided by a healthy and balanced diet, capable of providing the nutrients necessary for practiced physical exercise or the adopted regime of life . First among these, we find mineral salts (especially potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium ), antioxidants, and vitamins that can be taken directly from seasonal fruits and vegetables.

However, in those who practice intense physical activity, it is sometimes necessary to increase the daily requirement of these substances by taking natural supplements that contain herbs and medicinal plants with a remineralizing and antioxidant action .

Other other ways to avoid the onset of cramps is to practice physical activity in a balanced manner, avoiding overdoing it, especially if you are not trained; warm up the muscles before training, and then stretch them with stretching . Very useful in this case is the external use of massage oils rich in essential oils with invigorating action, before the exercises and with a relaxing and relaxing effect after the sport activity.

What are cramps

Cramps are involuntary, sudden and painful spasms, caused by the contraction of one or more muscles that appears due to several factors that are not yet fully understood. They occur most commonly in the limbs, but can also affect certain internal organs; it is for this reason that the term " cramp " usually refers to any spastic pain that affects the muscles, including the abdominal one.

Usually the cramps arise at rest, due to a decrease in blood circulation; from insufficient oxygenation of the muscle; from the cold; from lack of mineral salts; or as a result of prolonged effort; or for an unnatural position that hinders proper blood flow. Often these spasms are a side effect of some drugs (such as diuretics) or chemicals that come into contact; or may be a symptom of neurodegenerative diseases .

During the cramp, the muscle fiber membrane leads to action potentials at very high frequencies, in the absence of nervous stimuli . This phenomenon appears to be caused by a change in membrane permeability, which is in turn linked, probably, to changes in the ionic concentration of tissue fluids . In fact, sweating can cause dehydration and loss of mineral salts, which can lead to the onset of muscle cramps.

Different types are distinguished:

- heat cramp : it is easier for those who practice intense physical activity in particularly hot environments (temperature greater than 38 ° C) and poorly ventilated, or during the summer months, when high humidity levels cause excessive sweating, resulting in loss of water and mineral salts and decreased sodium in the blood;

- professional cramp : afflicts some categories of workers (typist) or artists (violinists, pianists, dancers, etc.) who due to the type of activity are forced to use a muscle group to perform certain habitual movements with possible twists or postures abnormal . The " scribe's cramp " (graphospasm) belongs to this category;

- c nocturnal ramps are involuntary and painful contractions typically affecting the calf and the muscles of the foot, which occur during sleep . They are more frequent with age but can affect anyone. The cause of the disorder is unclear, it is thought that in addition to the lack of mineral salts, a possible factor may be the decrease in blood flow, determined by having maintained the same position for a long time during the day (eg the sitting position ).

Natural remedies against cramps for internal use

To avoid the onset of cramps, in the diet prefer bananas, due to their intake of potassium; and almonds, walnuts, figs, due to the high content of magnesium, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids such as omega 3-6-9 .

Especially in the summer periods when sweating is greater, the sodium contained in cooking salt is essential for maintaining the body's water balance, so as not to increase fluid losses and consequently favor dehydration . In the market you can find natural supplements of magnesium, potassium and sodium specific for sports activities .

Even the officinal plants provide precious nutrients in a form that is highly available to our body, including the horsetail, the nettle, for a remineralization in mineral salts ; while the maca of the andes or the spirulina algae bring a notable quantity of aminoacid i for the muscles and vitamins of the group B for the functionality of the nervous and muscular system. Açai berries can also be excellent remedies for providing vitamins and antioxidants.

Natural remedies against cramps for external use

The natural remedies against cramps to be used externally, before practicing physical activity, are mainly invigorating essential oils, which due to their rubefacient action (they attract peripheral circulation on the surface, warming and reddening the area) help to loosen the muscles and prepare them for effort, such as patchouly, rosemary, and ginger essential oil. To prepare a good massage oil you can dissolve 5 drops of one of these essences in a little almond oil and rub the affected part.

Subsequently you can use relaxing essential oils to help relax tired or aching muscles, and relieve bruises, sprains, cramps or muscle tension. Use them in arnica oil to enhance their anti-inflammatory effect, or to prepare a bath by pouring 10-20 drops into the water in the tub. Among these we remember the essential oil of juniper or camphor or grapefruit.

Muscle cramps, causes and treatments

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