The perfect tan

Exposure to sunlight is a vital phenomenon; the sun is the great synchronizer of all biological rhythms, favors the production and activation of vitamin D, necessary to fix calcium in bones, improves the general energy tone, counteracts depression, stimulates the production of endorphins that control pain and ensure well-being.

However, prolonged and repeated exposure can involve numerous risks. In recent years there has been an increase in skin diseases due to increased sun exposure, the reduction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere and the photosensitizing activity of certain substances (cosmetics, perfumes, antibiotics, hormones).

During a prolonged exposure to the sun, on the beach or in the high mountains, the body loses significant quantities of water: it is therefore necessary to replenish it, preferably in the form of fresh fruit and raw vegetables . These foods are rich in liquids, mineral salts, vitamins A, C, E and selenium, all micronutrients endowed with remarkable antioxidant, anti-mutagenic and protective properties of the integrity of the skin against damage from red and ultraviolet rays.

Some tips for a correct sun exposure concern:

  • The consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in those substances mentioned above and then carrots, melon, apricots, tomatoes, spinach, green salads;
  • The use of sunscreens (creams, sun milk) which are a valid means of protection as they reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation that penetrates the skin;
  • Avoid taking photosensitizing drugs (cortisone, diuretic, sulfonamide, tetracycline, sedative) and some medicinal plants (hypericum, angelic) during sun exposure;
  • Avoid the use of perfumes containing photosensitizing substances (essences of lavender, cedar, lemon, bergamot, water of Cologne).
  • Only by following the right photo exposure rules can you avoid those ugly sunburns that, of course, don't make you look more beautiful and more beautiful ... summer.

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