What is contact eczema
Contact eczema is an inflammatory process affecting the skin, generally caused by an external irritant that comes into contact with the skin or an allergic mechanism, that is, an allergy. There are many substances that can cause eczema in children, as in adults.
The typical lesions of eczema occur with redness, edema, vesicles and itching .
Eczema can occur in any part of the body, however in newborns it affects mainly cheeks, forehead, legs, forearms, head and neck while in older children it occurs particularly on the face, neck, knees, ankles and arms.
To avoid complications, eczema should be treated promptly.
Discover all the natural remedies for eczema too
How to defend against eczema in children
Prevention is the first remedy for eczema in children. In recent years there has been an increase in cases of eczema in children, partly because more diagnosis is made, partly because exposure to products that can cause irritation is increased. The first thing to do to limit the risk of eczema in children is to avoid using cosmetics and always carefully read the labels of the products chosen for their hygiene; therefore avoid aggressive soaps and detergents.
In recent years there has been an increase in the use of perfumes and cosmetics in children, it is better not to use them, even those "for girls", especially if the child is predisposed to develop eczema or other forms of allergy. Then there are some other precautions that can help and that are all very natural:
- keep the skin well hydrated;
- avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity;
- avoid excessive sweating; if the child sweats, change it immediately and dab the sweat;
- use clothes made of natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin, such as cotton and silk.
In the event that an eczema is suspected or in any case there are spots and spots on the baby's skin, contact the pediatrician. Avoid self-medicating an eczema, therapy should be decided by a doctor.
Eczema in children is treated like that in adults, in the sense that the goals of the therapy are the same:
- check the itch,
- reduce inflammation,
- resolve any overlapping infections,
- soften and remove scaly lesions and prevent them from forming new ones.