One Italian in four suffers from vertebral discopathies

The number of people suffering from chronic vertebral discopathy is considerable, and it is not only the prerogative of those who perform strength work on 1 in 4 people who suffer this martyrdom and who no longer know what to do despite sessions with the kinesiologist or osteopath .

The manipulations put back "in place" but DO NOT REGENERATE INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS, rather the opposite is rather true.

The degradation process includes 4 phases:

1. Phase of contraction and "shortening" of the vertebral support muscles;

2. Inflammatory phase: the body attempts to burn the accumulated toxins;

3. Dislocation phase : due to the asymmetric tensions that can reach up to the disk hernia proper;

4. Final installation phase (if any) of deterioration: arthrosis.

On the level of somatization of the spine it is good to know that the lumbar, in most cases, "memorize" the sense of material or affective insecurity.

The backbones, instead, "record" the sentimental wounds, often between the shoulder blades, and the cervical ones "record" the decisional conflicts, often with torticollis.

Through the radiographs we can see the "worn out" disks, but in reality it is a DEHYDRATION of the same, of a desiccation.

It would therefore be advisable to find a way to rehydrate them: only ISOTONIC Marine Plasma is BIOCOMPATIBLE FOR THE REHYDRATION OF THE SAME. Obviously the Plasma used must be sterilized, but not through heat, as this would compromise the life of the micro-organisms it contains, indispensable for its effectiveness.

In any case, it is realized that only the sea water, the cradle of the origins of life, injected subcutaneously, is able to REIDREAT DISCS OF THE VERTEBRAL DISCS, WHICH "SLOWLY" SLOWLY LIKE THE SPONGES, SIMULTANEOUSLY DISCOVERING THE COLLATERAL NERVES THAT GENERATED PAIN.

This reabsorption process also concerns the pathology of the DISCAL ERNIES.

In practice, it generally takes 7 sessions to put everything back in order: generally the pain begins to sit down from the second session.

We remind you that: The subcutaneous route can only be practiced by doctors and professional nurses .

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