The Brazilian plant against wrinkles

The Brazilian plant against wrinkles

Anti-aging treatments are many and different. Among the various external natural treatments that we know, natural anti-wrinkle treatments to be applied to the face to nourish it in depth, we remember carrot oil, avocado oil, papaya, oatmeal, brewer's yeast, just to name some.

Relatively recent studies have also shown the great efficacy of sugar as a natural remedy against the often poorly tolerated wrinkles. In reality it is not the common sugar, but a particular sugar, the green sugar that comes from Brazil . Let's look together at this Brazilian plant for wrinkles and skin well-being in general.

Rhamnose for the skin

It is called rhamnose, it is a sugary extract of a Brazilian plant called uncaria and it would boast a sensational property: that of eliminating wrinkles naturally. Precisely because of its ability to act on the papillary dermis and to reactivate it, this sugar has proved particularly valuable. The skin that suffers the most, more and more subjected to stress and the action of atmospheric agents and UV rays, as well as to pollution, is that found in the most superficial layer, is called papillary dermis. The papillary dermis is a very important skin layer, as it is at the forefront of the difficult task of regenerating tissues. In order to perform its regenerative function properly, it must always be kept active. Here is the role of this green sugar: among the various discoveries and research carried out over the years, we have seen that this vegetable sugar called rhamnose is the most effective substance in restarting and stimulating the activity of this area of ​​the dermis.

The uncaria is therefore a precious vegetable for natural beauty. It is a plant that grows in the South American continent, particularly in the forests of Peru, Colombia and Brazil. Tests have shown that this type of sugar contains a concentration of 5%, able to act against different types of wrinkles, even those of the forehead, more difficult to treat, already after a few weeks. The effects intensify even more after a couple of months.

It is not just this plant that contains the famous sugar, although it seems to be the most effective. Among the others we remember the silver birch, the ramno, hence the name, or spincervino and the poisonous sumac. Products with low uncaria or green sugar are recommended and people from thirty-five years old who want to improve skin health, ensuring a valid contribution to regenerate it day after day, preserving its elasticity in a natural way.

The frontiers of glycobiology

Green sugars are therefore not only an edible substitute for refined cane sugar, as in the case of stevia, but they are also important sources of beauty, based on an eco-sustainable and scientific discourse.

Glycobiology, or the study of the structure, biosynthesis and biology of sugars and glycans, widely distributed in nature, essential components of all organisms, is considered as the anti-age science of the future because, by selecting sugars on the basis of their cellular affinity, it is possible to reactivate skin youth in a targeted and really effective way.


The properties, uses and contraindications of the unary

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