Calculations at the gallbladder, therapies and what to eat

Painful and dangerous to health, gallbladder stones are "pebbles" that are formed from bile, inside the gall bladder (or gallbladder), or the organ that collects bile from the liver. Their presence must be diagnosed as soon as possible.

When gallbladder stones increase in number or volume, they can fill the gallbladder (which is under the liver) or the bile ducts (which connect the gallbladder to the liver and the initial intestine), and cause severe infections. When gallstones move along the bile ducts, painful colic occurs.

It is essential to act in time, to prevent the situation from worsening, and to determine the correct diagnosis and relative therapy .

Let's find out what are the main natural therapies and what is best to eat in case of gallbladder calculations .

Gallbladder calculations: therapies

In the presence of gallbladder calculations, do-it-yourself is strongly advised against : a doctor is needed to diagnose and define the therapy. There is the risk that the stones obstruct the bile ducts causing damage to the other organs, or that the calculations occupy the entire gallbladder so as to make surgical removal necessary.

On parare and the doctor's agreement, therapies can be performed with natural remedies, to improve the condition of gallbladder stones.

Here are the main natural therapies and behaviors in support of the gallbladder :

> Improve one's eating behavior : a low fat diet and controlled calorie intake.

> Avoid the consumption of excess or non-essential drugs .

> Maintain a correct body weight and an active lifestyle .

> Gem-based therapies : plants that facilitate the fluidity of bile in the liver and gall bladder are used.

The most used buds are Fraxinus Excelsior, Opuntia Ficus Indica, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Acer Campestre.

> Oligotherapy : using minerals that support the functionality of the liver in the production of bile, such as manganese-cobalt or manganese.

> Tincture therapies that are beneficial to liver function: milk thistle, artichoke, horseradish or boldo.

Gallbladder calculations: what to eat

In the presence of gallbladder stones, feeding becomes of fundamental importance .

Here's what we recommend eating in the case of gallbladder calculations.

> Whole grains: pasta, bread, rice, oats, rye, barley, spelled.

> Lean milk and yogurt.

> Lean white meat.

> Ricotta, cottage cheese, quark cheese, better if thin, once or twice a week.

> Fruit (2 fruits per day).

> Vegetables to taste.

> Condiments: extra virgin olive oil.

> Vegetable proteins: preferable to those of animal origin, as they are cholesterol-free. Gradually introduce legumes into your diet.

Dietary advice in the case of gallbladder calculations also includes:

> Allow yourself a good daily dose of fiber.

> Drink at least 1.5 liters of water to be distributed during the day.

> Make 3 meals a day plus two snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

> Avoid excessive and too fast weight loss, which can trigger gallstones crisis.

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