Advice for feminine intimate hygiene

The choice of detergent for feminine intimate hygiene is very important. The common soaps are not good, just as the bubble bath is not good. The detergent for feminine intimate hygiene must in fact have an adequate pH, ie between 3.5 and 4.5 .

The ideal detergent varies, however, also based on various factors: fertile age, sports activity, greater or less tendency to develop vaginal infections, time of year, state of pregnancy, menopause and so on.

Feminine intimate hygiene: how to choose the detergent

The best person to recommend the type of detergent suitable for a single woman is the gynecologist who, after the annual visit, will certainly know which one is most suitable for the specific case.

In general, however, there are different detergents for feminine intimate hygiene based on natural ingredients : the mallow has soothing properties, such as lime and chamomile; eucalyptus and mint have refreshing properties; aloe is moisturizing and emollient; sage is a mild disinfectant. It is therefore possible to choose the most suitable detergent for your needs by carefully reading the list of ingredients.

Advice for proper female intimate hygiene

Some rules for adequate female intimate hygiene :

  • Clean the private parts once or twice a day with a suitable detergent; when there is a need to wash more than twice a day, preferably use only water; poor personal hygiene and excessive use of detergents can both be harmful.
  • Use only cotton or other natural fiber linens ; synthetic fibers do not allow proper transpiration and promote sweating, increasing the risk of irritation and infections.
  • During the summer, or when you go to swimming pools, it is essential to change your costume immediately after swimming.
  • Do not wear jeans, tights, leggings or other excessively tight clothing.
  • Beware of washing underwear : better to use simple Marseille soap to remove any stains and then wash in a washing machine with very hot water and a mild detergent. Using aggressive detergents, especially where rinsing is not accurate, can cause irritation.
  • Avoid the usual use of panty liners : they promote sweating, contributing to the onset of bad smells and irritations.
  • During the menstrual cycle, feminine intimate hygiene is even more important, so it is often necessary to change the pad and wash more often. Avoid excessive use of internal absorbents which, in any case, should never be used during the night.
  • Vaginal lavages should only be used under the direction of your gynecologist or doctor; the improper use of vaginal lavages can alter the delicate balance of the vaginal microflora thus increasing the risk of infections such as candidiasis and Gardenerella vaginalis.
  • Avoid the mixed use of underwear, swimwear and towels;
  • Avoid the use of deodorants for intimate hygiene: they can cause irritation. The presence of unpleasant odor of the private parts can be the symptom of an infection and therefore, in that case, it is advisable to consult the doctor.
  • Proper female hygiene cannot be separated from a check-up at your gynecologist once a year.

Read also intimate itch? Here are the natural remedies >>

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