It is one of the frightening of new mothers: to see their own little one covered with red spots, who cries because of the itch and not knowing why it happens.
Atopic dermatitis is a problem not only for the pediatric age (and mothers), but can also persist in adulthood .
But what are the symptoms of atopic dermatitis in adults, and above all, are there remedies ?
Atopic dermatitis of adults: symptoms
Atopic dermatitis in adults can manifest itself differently from that of children, with symptoms that are sometimes much more painful, greater dryness, itching and cracking than children.
Atopic dermatitis may reappear in adults who have suffered from them as children or it can occur for the first time in adulthood .
The signs of dermatitis in adults appear on the skin especially in the folds of the elbows, knees or on the nape, they can be very evident on the neck, face and around the eyes.
Below is a list of the main symptoms of atopic dermatitis in adults:
- Very dry and irritated skin
- Eczema on the hands
- Eczema to the eyelids
- Cataract
- Presence of thick and reddened chronic plaques with exudate
- Possible complications such as infections, metabolic alterations (erythroderma)
If there is a sudden appearance of dermatological problems in adults who had not suffered from atopic dermatitis in children, it is advisable to carry out more in-depth analyzes to correctly define whether it is atopic dermatitis or other pathology (contact eczema, allergic eczema .. .)
Recall that the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in the adult is always of medical competence.
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Atopic dermatitis in adults: remedies
Usually atopic dermatitis that occurs in the pediatric age tends to regress spontaneously during adolescence and to disappear completely in adulthood; however, it may happen that the skin remains sensitive, reactive, red and itchy, even in adulthood.
The first common sense tips are to keep the skin hydrated and well nourished, avoiding exposure to irritating factors such as chemicals, excessive solar radiation, and air pollution.
There are some tricks and remedies to avoid the worsening of the symptoms of atypical dermatitis in adults, here are the main ones:
Not excessive washing
Not to further affect the state of natural skin protection, already "in trouble" due to dermatitis. We wash based on physical activity, and the season. Better not more than 2 times a day, in general, and always after sports, a swim in the sea or in the pool.
Warm water
Do not stress the skin with water that is too cold or hot, but use warm water to wash. Attention also to the jet of the shower water, which must not be too strong. Also, dab to dry the skin, without rubbing, after every bath or shower: use soft towels, do not rub the skin
Products suitable for hygiene and home use
The use of products suitable for body hygiene : better to use hypoallergenic "non-soap" soap with a slightly acid pH, which respects skin defenses, or non-aggressive cleansing oils. Immediately after bathing or showering, nourish the skin with emollient and nourishing products, based on calendula or mallow, for example.
Beware of products for cleaning the house, linen and clothes : use only natural ones, without perfumes or too many aggressive synthetic ingredients. Pay attention to the fur of pets.
Beware of clothing
Always prefer natural fibers, cotton or silk, avoiding synthetic fabrics, labels, buttons and zips in direct contact with the skin. Always wash new clothes before wearing them.
Use probiotic lactic ferments: this nourishes the skin passing through the intestine, since there is a very strong bond between the two organs and what is good for one is good for the other.
When to use drugs
Pharmacological remedies : during acute episodes, the doctor may suggest cortisone- based creams or immunosuppressants, or phototherapy treatments (exposure to UV rays).