Bach flowers for hypersensitivity

The Bach flowers for hypersensitivity are flower remedies, useful when emotional imbalances are manifested, which derive from an excessive sensitivity to external influences . According to Edward Bach the illness arises when the "commandments of the Soul" are not obeyed and the unified vision of reality is different. In this sense, according to Bach " illness is in itself beneficial, because it aims to bring the individual back to the will of the soul ".

The plants he identified operate on 7 application areas, ie they act on the most frequent emotional disorders that characterize "western" life: depression, hypersensitivity, fear, uncertainty, excessive concern for others, loneliness, and disinterest in the present . These moods arise from the fracture between the profound nature of the individual and his daily reality .

Sensitivity and hypersensitivity

Sensitivity is first of all the faculty of perceiving the stimuli coming from the external world through the sense organs . This prerogative is common to all living beings, and with different degrees we find it also in plants and animals. However, over time the term "sensitivity" has come to encompass the whole sphere of human sensitive operations .

So beyond the knowledge of reality through the 5 senses, this word also defines the inclinations, the instinct and emotions of an individual, as well as the ability to make judgments. Indeed, sensitivity is at the base of both artistic creation and intuition for the resolution of major scientific problems; and, above all, it constitutes an indispensable factor for the harmonious coexistence of individuals within society.

The "sensitivity" also indicates a psychological condition, caused by the stimulation of feelings that leads to emotional reactions. Generally speaking, we can speak of emotional or psychological sensitivity - or otherwise insensitivity - when the human mind reacts to stimuli that are linked to facts, things, events and speeches that can touch the emotionality of a person.

According to Bach, materialism, the conditions of life of our age, the ideas and the people we come in contact with can determine the departure from our real nature and thus provoke illness. " We must develop our individuality and free ourselves from all external influence on the part of the world, obeying only the directives of our Soul, regardless of circumstances or others, so as to become our own masters, directing our boat on the turbulent waves of life, without ever leaving the helm, nor at any time the direction to the others ". Below we will see the Bach flowers for the hypersensitivity they sustain on this journey.

Bach flowers for hypersensitivity

Let's take a closer look at the bach flowers for hypersensitivity:

  • Agrimony : it is the remedy for hypersensitivity towards its own dark sides . The individual masks his own worries and bitterness, behind a cheerful, courteous and calm external appearance, because he believes that only those who do not have and do not give problems can be loved. For this reason he is condescending, he avoids clashes and arguments, because conflicts and discussions are feared as a cause of abandonment . It represses its adversities, experienced as negative, making the best of a bad situation, for fear of losing the affection of others. Agrimony is a particularly useful remedy to allow your emotions to come to the surface. The remedy unlocks tensions and teaches us to show ourselves as we are, honestly, without fear of not being accepted. It helps to assert itself in relationships of love and work and to face problems, instead of hiding them from everyone, even from ourselves.
  • Centaury is the remedy for hypersensitivity towards the needs of others . The individual wishes to help and support the needs of others, abusing his own strengths and energies. They are very selfless and generous people, who try to serve and support others, to the point of becoming more " servants " than helpers. Too available, they forget to take care of themselves and their lives. Out of excess of generosity they exhaust all energies, without obtaining any recognition for their own efforts and qualities. Centaury is indicated when it is necessary to strengthen one's center and one's decision-making power. The remedy helps to defend and protect oneself from those who tend to exploit excessive generosity and availability. Thus it is possible to affirm one's own personality, adopting a more balanced attitude towards others.
  • Holly is the remedy for hypersensitivity to the negativity of the outside world . The cause of this state of mind is the absence of love that generates anger . The individual has a closed and hardened heart, does not trust anyone and no longer recognizes the loving part of himself and others. One evaluates little and feels he has the world against. He does not feel loved ... and so he does not love. Touchy and meticulous, susceptible, overbearing, he is rude in communications. Social relationships are impoverished, interpersonal relationships are difficult. There is an underlying inner insecurity, which leads to presuppose and act in an aggressive and cruel, wary and suspicious way. He suffers from a sense of inferiority and is afraid of the opinion of others, but masks it with a hardened shell. This remedy stimulates generosity of spirit and openness to others.
  • Walnut: it is the remedy of hypersensitivity towards external influences . Also called the "Bach shield" it protects from the discomforts produced by any kind of change. It supports those who are realizing their goals. but because of opinions, theories or beliefs of others or other external circumstances, they doubt their choices. It is the remedy for those who have decided to take a step forward in life, breaking rules and overcoming limits, to take a new direction. Walnut frees from negative influences, from conventions, from prejudices that oppose the realization of the path undertaken. Promotes the ability to adapt, supporting the individual during radical changes in life.

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